34.3:"Claimed, Siren and his Queen".

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A/N: Honestly, I am so excited publishing these chapters. I absolutely love both of them.

Also, I really do try replying to everyone and every mention I find but in case I didn't reply it's not because I didn't want to, it's just I didn't get the notification or wasn't able to find it completely. Apologies.



How sharp is the woman tongue and how deep can it cut?.

She turns to look at him pissed that he had allowed such mishap to happen because now everything will go down in vain in a few minutes.

"I am going to speak to Khala (aunt) about this". Alina screeched

"First of all, keep your volume lower and start speaking like an adult instead of appearing as a whiny child. Second of all, you don't get to decide what he wants and threaten him with other people to have him do what you want. Lastly, I dare you to go on with him and I will show you how worse I can get". She threatened in a low thick voice

Besides Adam, everyone was scared looking at the dangerous glint in her eyes. On the other hand, he looks at her smirking and feeling his body shuddering at the mere sight of her powerful yet so low delicate voice whispering threatens that appears nothing more than sweet words to him.

Maybe he should let the woman fight. As long as he can see her turning into this wild self he can allow it. He loathes fighting between anyone and everyone he has never allowed arguments and he never truly gets into many neither anyone dared to get involved with him in one because everything goes down for them.

Omar nudged him scared out of his wits looking at the two woman neck to neck however he leans back allowing her to deal with it.

It feels good to be claimed by someone.

"I-I-". Alina started

"That's baby steps. I know you needed a little push to speak better. It's ok. Take your time I will wait". She said leaning beside Adam and the moment she did

She regretted it.

His body heat radiating off him have her forget what she needed to focus on. She forgot about everything and everyone in a single second his warmth covered around her even when she wasn't in his arms merely their arms touching had her gone to another dimension.

"My lady, did I tell you how luscious you look?". He asked in his deep husky voice that had her shiver in delight

"Not the best time, baby, not the best time". She whispers back as she feels her voice coming out with deep passion which had him feel exactly what she felt when he spoke

They heard the door opening which jolted them a little away when they found the King and Queen coming inside.

"What is this I am hearing?". Queen said angrily

While the King remains calm.

"And now this woman is already faulting here". Queen said glaring at her

She leans back looking at Adam who seems to be shaking in anger.

"Mother, I would like you to use proper words while addressing my fiancee". Adam said respectfully

"How dare you?". Queen said pissed, "How dare you go against our values and culture to fall for a woman like her?. Do you even know her?. Does she even know our values and the way we need to be?. Alina was much better-".

"Mother". Adam said stopping her words and his words held an authority that could have anyone heart stop unless it's her who felt excitement," Alina- is no royalty and she wasn't born or moulded in one. She is just an ordinary girl just like you were when you came to this palace. I don't see any difference in you two and my fiancee".

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