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This is the last chapter of this year. Hope you all enjoy it.

Thank you for all the love.


He moves away from behind her to sitting on the cold floor in front of her. He holds her shaking hands in her providing his warmth.

She sighs,"I was married to him about 5 years ago by our parents. I was a timid naive girl who walked into his house. At first, everyone was good but then his mother and sister would always asked me to do things. I did what they asked but they would always take something out and show him. They would not let him spend time with me and everytime he wanted to take me out someone from his family will join us and his mother would always say how he was wasting his money. I ignored them because he was good to me behind the door but when it comes to standing for me he would do exactly what his family would say. He never took stand for me and when I would ask him about it he would say to bear with him and he will always be good to me and all. I believed it and everyone told me that we have to sacrifice a lot and other people do much more so I should be grateful. One day, his family blamed me for having an affair with another man who was originally his sister boyfriend and he slapped me in front of everyone. My parents didn't say a word to support me and instead disowned me. After that, his family tortured me more and asked him to give me divorce which he did not even hesitating for a second. The lawyer asked me the price I wanted for the settlement so I decided to take this hotel under me. They always hated it and they were not able to generate much from it. I kind of always felt this had more potential so I asked them to hand it over to me and they did believing I will fail it".

He control his anger as much as he can wrapping his arms around her small figure tightly as she weeps her sorrows away.

"It's ok, my love, they never deserve someone as amazing as you. Just know and believe that". He whispers as he laid her sleeping form on the bed

He sits beside her moving the strand of hair behind her ear looking at her red cheeks from all the cry. He really wishes he sees that man one more time so he can teach him what a real man is.

He didn't heard much of their talks but he remember the moment he saw her with the man and the expressions on her face as she talked he left his important clients immediately wanting to do something. He knew he annoyed the client but he could care less at that moment even now.

He was glad that he was there when she needed him the most. The feeling of satisfaction finally settles in him for the first time ever by doing something so small. He feels so much better than he have ever felt in years.

His eyes starts to shut down as the peace fills him in and he sleeps next to her.

The next day he opens his eyes before she can for a second he remains disoriented but then he remembers that he is with her. He feels something on his hands his eyes move towards her figure that is curl into him sleeping peacefully.

At first, he panics because if she wakes up and see this she is going to kill him but then he stops just as his gaze focuses only on her face. She looks so beautiful yet so fragile. He wants to keep her from any pain that worlds offers but he knows too well that he can't hide her forever.

He can support her.

He promise this to her silently that no matter what even if she hesitate or steps back in fear he will stay by her side.

"About yesterday-". Sofia started

He tilts his head,"Forget about it".

"What?". She asked confused

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