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"Hurry! Take her". He heard her shouting

He groaned not wanting to be awake but then he heard crying and shouting of everyone around him causing him to be wide awake.

He looked at the doctor gathered around a bed. After accessing the situation he realised that it was Anabia who was taken away by the doctor to the emergency.

His heart stopped.

He, obviously had an idea that the young child was sick but he hadn't thought to find such situations. He had been too involved in himself that he didn't care about anyone. He feels someone holding his hand as he stands like a statue in front of the emergency room.

He looked down to find Azhar holding his hand while crying looking at the door where Anabia was treated.

"Will she be ok?". Azhar asked looking at him hopeful

He wasn't sure about hope but the need to have Anabia back and to be able to look at her again was high.

"Yes, she will be fine". He replied nodding

Hours passed he saw Maha pacing around all this time. He felt the need to ask her to stop but he didn't. He didn't want to be involved with her more than he had to. Since, Anabia had planted a little seed of possible marriage between him and her. He had been thinking about it in his free time. He wondered if she was married or had someone she loves.

But, he had seen her almost all these day practically living in the hospital. He admired how she was committed to saving lives. She would sleep in front of him on a small chair beside the sleeping boy. He wanted to ask her so many things but he hadn't.

"Can you look after him? I want some fresh air". He said looking at her and sleeping Azhar

"Why are you here?". She asked worriedly

"Now, why do you look angry?. I think I have all the rights to visit this place". He said smirking

"No, you don't. This is not the place, Zahir". She said

He shrugged, "Simple. Pay me to keep me away".

"I am not giving you any money. We don't have any relation for me to do so". She said angrily

"You earn so much. You can give me some". He said

"Half of my salary goes in his treatment and the other half is not even enough for myself". She said

"You either pay me or I take this in court and have his custody". He stated

Her face paled, "You wouldn't do that".

"I would. It's no use keeping him here anyway". He said

"He will die if he is not here". She said

"He is dying anyway what's the use for keeping him alive for your selfishness. I will do him a favour and end him for good". He said

Her heart stopped, "No, you wouldn't".

"If-". He started

"Doctor, I think your supervisor is looking for you". Khizar said cutting Zahir's words

She looked at him and he saw the hurt in her hand which had him clench his fist. She nodded walking away to find her supervisor while Zahir's words remained in her mind. He saw her walking away turning back to the man.

"We were still talking". Zahir said to him

"I don't care". Khizar said shrugging

"What?". Zahir said confused

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