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"I will never accept this marriage". Was his first words to her

She shrugged, "Good for you". Were her first words to him


She jumped around walking down the roadside on her own looking around with a wide grin. She loved to do things on her own since she had been on her own for a very long time.

"How can a month bride leave her house and come here?". She heard her lovely caretaker- Shaima said

"I missed you, that's why". She said smiling hugging her

"Did they kick you out?". Shaima asked

She placed her hand on her chest, "You think they will?. You wound me".

"Stop your drama". Shaima said walking inside as she walks with her, "How are you here then?".

She groaned, "I don't know. They said I can go visit you".

"What about your husband?". Shaima asked

She stopped abruptly, "You see, he is very busy".

"How can a man not take off after his marriage?". Shaima asked

She shrugged, "I don't know. I have been married once".

Shaima hit her shoulder, "Don't talk like that. I am sure they sent you here so you stop eating their brain".

"They love me". She said proudly

Shaima shakes her head, "I cannot believe you are still the same after marriage".

She grinned sitting on the couch looking at the children around her, "You should have known. You placed me with a poor soul who will have to suffer for a very long time".


"I will not stay with her". He said looking at his friend

"Why?". His friend asked

"Because she isn't my type and I already have someone". He said frowning

"Sure, you do. Then, why did you marry her and not say anything beforehand when you had a chance instead of ruining her life?". His friend said

"You don't understand. She isn't my type". He argued

His friend chuckled, "How do you think arranged marriages last?. No one is no one's type they have to understand, trust and give time to each other to be one".

"You are not even married". He replied

His friend shrugged, "I would rather wait instead of ruining anyone else life. Even if my parents have someone for me I wouldn't make her suffer for my own sake".

"I have a headache talking to you. Let's just go grab some food and drink". He said walking away

His friend sighs.

They walked inside the mall filled with many people because of the new sale. He rolled his eyes looking at his friend because it was his decision to come here and now the noise is killing him.

"I cannot believe this". He said groaning

As he said, he bumped into someone almost causing him to fall but he steadies himself.

"Watch yourself". He said unhappily

"You have two eyes of your own why don't you use them?". He heard someone say

He turned around to find none other than his wife. She looked at him a little shocked because as much as he knows him this man cannot come to a place like this. But, then she only says those words because he was rude to her friend.

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