21.3:"Understanding mysteries".

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He receives a punch as he steps inside the house from his stepfather. He looks at him with his red eyes and his eyes glaring at him always boils his blood.

"Is this the time to be home?". His stepfather yelled angrily

He looks at the time and it is just five minutes to when he is supposed to be home.

He snickers because he knows he just wants to make an excuse to beat him. His stepfather holds his collar shaking him punching him again.

This time he manages to draw some blood from the cut skin that his punch made. He watches his mother as his father beats him. His siblings too just stand there smiling looking at him. He stays quiet like he is asked to be by his mother years ago.

His mother didn't even look in his questioning eyes long enough anyway. He just lay on the cold ground being beaten by a man who was supposed to be his protector as the people around him once said.

When his mother was marrying another man after just a few years of his real father people around him told him that this was the best decision. They said he is a new father who will provide them with everything.

The thing is they told him about what he will give him not what will be taken from him.

He paid the most price.

He was beaten since they moved that was also why his mother never allowed him to join the school immediately because she was training him how to hide his wounds and everything from the world.

So, she hid him from the world.

"You shouldn't have come home late". His mother said as he stayed on the floor blood pouring from him

He looks in her eyes as she stands above him. He used to love her but why did she make him pay this price?. Why doesn't she love him?.

He has no idea.

He remains quiet at her words but his hurt speaks louder. The pain within him is eating him every day.

He picks himself off the ground stumbling each step towards the small storage room that is granted to him. He looks in the small mirror in the room and he can see the wound everywhere on his face.

He chuckles dryly.

Why did he even decide to live that night?. For this?.

Just as he asks that questions his conscious went off as he falls on the ground.

He finds himself running in the lifeless forest for hours. No matter how much he runs around all he can find is the same trees, same darkness and same him.

He has no idea where he is and why is he here.

All he knows is he has to run to live.

"Aashir". He heard a soft voice calling him, "Are you tired?".

He looks around frustrated because that voice always makes him run again but he can't seem to find anyone here.

"You don't have to run". He heard the same voice say

"Why?". He asked crying as he falls on the ground

The world on his small shoulder seems to be too heavy to bear on his own. His shoulder cannot carry this burden anymore. He needs someone. He needs help.

"I am here". He heard the same voice say softly

He raises his head slowly looking at the figure that stands in front of him. He closes his eyes because the light is too much to look at the person standing in front of him. Even when he cannot seems to see her face he knows he wants to desperately want to see it.

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