You Get Kidnapped - Dean

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His worst fear had come true. You had been kidnapped. By a group of rogue vampires that you had been off hunting alone. At first you had just thought there were only 2 or 3. But those 2 or 3 quickly turned into a group closer to 10. Luckily you didn't go down without a fight. Managing to gank a majority of them, but one of them had been quiet enough to sneak up behind you & get the drop of you. Meaning the vamp had knocked you out cold & planned to use you as bait in order to lure out your oh-so-famous green-eyed boyfriend. Luckily your phone had managed to stay with you throughout the whole ordeal so they were able to track your location fairly quickly. They were even quicker to come up with a plan to get you out safe & sound. So your boyfriend & the rest of the boys aka Sam & Cass were able to make quick work of the 3 vamps that were left alive. Luckily they had found you shortly after they had taken care of the vamps & were relieved to find that you weren't seriously injured. The worst you had were some mild bruising from the ropes they had tied your hands & feet up in & a busted bottom lip. That wasn't deep enough to require stitches. Your lovely green-eyed boyfriend was just glad that you were still in one piece & that there wasn't serious damage done to you. But however, he had a hard time letting you go out on a hunt alone from then on. But you understood that he was only worried so much because he deeply cared about you & loved you. So all he wanted was to just keep you safe.

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