Need Any Help Prompt - Jack

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You'd been in the armory cleaning & replacing the weapons that you'd taken with you on the hunt you'd just finished the night prior. Normally Dean would be the one helping you, but he was currently out on a case of his own leaving you alone in the bunker. Well, at least you thought you were alone until you heard someone walk into the armory. Looking up you were met with Jack's smiling figure. "Need any help?" He asked. "Actually if you wouldn't mind, yeah I'd love some help." You responded patting the spot next to you on the floor. Luckily he'd seen you & Dean clean the weapons before so he already knew the jist of what to do. You just had to tell him the correct spots of each weapon he cleaned. Which you didn't really mind because you'd always loved spending time with the sweet Nephilim. He just always seemed to brighten things up whenever he was around you. So you couldn't help but gain a soft spot for him. But you were never really vocal about your true feelings because you didn't wanna risk ruining the relationship you already had with him. You had gone to pick up the last weapon to clean when instead of grabbing it you were met with Jack's hand instead. You were surprised when instead of letting go he tightened the hold on your hand. Not enough to hurt you, but enough to let you know he didn't wanna let go. You had opened your mouth to speak, but weren't able to get out the words before Jack said "I've been feeling these strange emotions recently & after speaking to Sam about them it turns out its love or an emotion equivalent to it. But it only happens when I'm around you." He said. "So what exactly are you saying, Jack?" You asked shyly. "I'm saying I like you Y/N." He confessed. "Well, that's reassuring since I like you too Jack." You watched as a huge smile made its way onto his face & you couldn't help but mirror it.

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