I'm Just Getting Comfy Prompt - Balthazar

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You loved Balthazar, you really did. But he always had a habit of popping in on you whenever you were buried deep in research or in the middle of working a case. His reasoning being that he was bored or just didn't have anything better to do. So you decided that you turning the tables on him was long overdue. So you decided to cash in a favor that Castiel had owed you. With his help, you were able to get his location & when you made sure that he was alone you had Cas poof you there. You quickly thanked him as he hurried up & left. So you decided to just plop yourself onto one of the empty armchairs. You couldn't help, but laugh when your boyfriend finally strolled into the living room nearly jumping out of his own skin when he saw you. "What are you doing here? And how did you even get here?" He asked walking closer to you to see if he was seeing things or not. You couldn't hold back the smirk on your face when you replied I was hoping to get the prompt "I'm just getting comfy. You know since you always seem to have so much fun when you do this to me. So I figured why not cash in some favors, pull some strings & give you a taste of your own medicine." "Okay, I admit I deserve that. But I can't say that I'm not happy to see you since now I just get to have you all to myself here." "True or I could just call back a certain feathered friend & have him take me back home." You teased. "But if I had to be honest maybe there is a teeny tiny part of me that missed you & is why I had him bring me here. To spend time with my lovely, but sometimes pain in my ass boyfriend." You said while standing up from the chair you were sitting in & enveloping Balthazar in a hug. If he had to admit he was happy that you decided to surprise him like this since he was thinking about popping in to check on you, but you had already done his job for him.

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