You Think I'm Gunna Leave Prompt - Dean

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You were woken up by your boyfriend's screams. He was having another nightmare. You gently shook him away while soothingly telling him he was okay  & that you were here for him. You watched as he shot straight up & you just soothed him while rubbing his back helping him control his breathing. You didn't push him into talking about his nightmare, instead just opting to tell him if he wanted to talk you were there to listen. You were fine with staying up the rest of the night or until you knew he was okay. But once he looked calmed down you realized how badly you had to go to the bathroom. So you went to stand up but were stopped by Dean's hand grabbing your arm. "Don't leave." He said. You just gently rubbed his hand while saying "We've been by each other's sides for years, you think I'm gonna leave now? I just really have to use the bathroom. I promise I'm gunna come right back." He quietly let go of your arm so you could use the bathroom. When you came back you saw him sitting with his back against his headboard. You grabbed the t.v remote & handed it to him while you made yourself comfortable next to him. "I'll stay up as long as you need me to, so how about you find something to put on that'll help make you feel better okay love?" You told him. He settled on a channel that was having a horror movie marathon. You just snuggled up in your blanket while Dean pulled you closer to him & rested his head against yours. You felt a content smile come across your lips when you felt him place a soft kiss to the side of your head while he mumbled out a thank you for just being there for him.

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