His GF Makes A Deal To Bring Him Back - Crowley

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When he came to he saw death was standing in front of you. He watched as you grabbed death's sickle & then a blinding light filled the room. He could immediately tell you were different or changed. But when he saw the panicked look on death's face he could tell that something turned out wrong or not how it was supposed to. His eyes nearly popped out of his head when you sent death flying across the room. Then you made your way towards him. He could feel the power radiating off of your body. You helped him get to his feet & then he asked you what happened. Since the last thing he remembered was sacrificing himself to trap Lucifer. You told him how you brought his body back & made a deal with death to bring you back. One which death was more than happy to grant. That deal was turning you into a reaper, but once the transformation was done death muttered something along the lines of how you weren't supposed to have that much power. So you figured that somehow you were now more powerful than death itself. Crowley on one hand was glad to be back but even more so happy to have you in his corner because his first matter of business was regaining the title King of Hell. One which you were more than happy to help him achieve.

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