Terrible Liar Prompt - Crowley

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You were stressed out beyond belief, hell to your wits end even. But did you dare let it show? Of course not you were sometimes too stubborn for your own good & preferred to just handle your issues yourself instead of just dumping them on someone. But what you didn't know was that the King of Hell had noticed something seemed off with you & had been keeping very close tabs on you. I mean it only seemed simple as he had a soft spot for you & very much so enjoyed the relationship the two of you had. So when he noticed how you sort of started to take a downward spiral is when he decided to step in. Quite literally. You had locked yourself in your bedroom for the past 2 days due to the fact that all the emotions you'd bottled up had finally reached its limits & exploded. You were in the middle of whipping away the few stray tears after your recent crying fit when you heard Crowley speak up. "I know there's something on your mind. That's why I've been keeping tabs on you recently. So do you wanna tell me about it pet?" He asked while taking a seat next to you. Your stubborn side kicked in again. "No, I'm perfectly fine Crowley." You heard him let out a dry laugh "You know, you're a terrible liar love." Your body just slumped at his words as you felt the tears begin to prick at your eyes again. But you were surprised when you felt his hand on your back & slowly rub up & down as if trying to soothe you. "You have nothing to worry about love, you know you can tell me anything especially if venting will help you feel better." You took a deep breath as you slowly started unloading everything you'd been holding in recently. The entire time Crowley just sat there intently listening & helping you keep your breathing under control. By the time you finished venting to him, you did feel better with having everything off your chest now. Once he'd processed everything you told him he even gave you some genuine advice. You were just surprised to see this gentle, but serious side of him since it was a rare sight in & of itself, but you could tell he genuinely cared for you & wanted to help you through this. So for once, you decided to take his help & not reject it as you'd normally do. Yeah, it seemed scary letting someone in, but when it came to Crowley he just made you feel safe & understood. And a part of you knew that he felt the same way even if he didn't wanna admit it just yet.

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