Cabin Getaway - Jack

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You had been taking a little break from hunting after a particularly bad string of hunts finally started to take its toll on you. You didn't really wanna explain yourself to anyone so you decided it'd be best to pack your bags & leave in the middle of the night while everyone was either away or asleep. But you didn't want anyone to worry so you left a little handwritten note & taped it to the fridge. In the note, you explained how some personal things came up & you just needed to get away & be alone for a bit. You also told them that you'd be okay & that they wouldn't have to worry about you or track you down. As morning came around the boys all became aware of your lack of presence & then they found the note you had left. Of course, they were worried since you were like family to them, though your boyfriend Jack had been a bit more worried than the rest of them. But they had all decided to just give you space & that if they didn't hear or see from you in the next few days then they'd send someone to track you down & check in on you. Which Jack had been more than happy to volunteer for. When 4 days had passed & there were no signs of you they started to get to work on locating you. While they worked on that you were just relaxing enjoying the peace & quiet of nature as you sat on the stoop of the little cabin you had recently rented out. It was perfect, far away from the hustle & bustle of cities & the only house around for miles. Plus you didn't really mind the almost hour-long drive to the nearest town whenever you needed any supplies. But for the most part, you just stayed in your cabin. as you were lost in the sounds of nature you heard a noise that didn't quite fit in. Like a breeze followed by a rustling of what could've been described as wings? You looked through the trees but didn't see anything that stood out, so you decided to just play it safe & head back inside. But as soon as you stood up you can face to face with your sweet boyfriend. Who had a plethora of questions to ask you, but most importantly if you were okay & safe. You couldn't help but laugh at how worried he was as you took his arm & escorted him inside. Once you two were sat down comfortably on your sofa you answered all of his questions & explained to him why you decided to leave in the first place. While you explained everything he sat there silently listening to every word that came out of your mouth. When you were done he did something a bit unexpected. He grabbed you & placed you in his lap while he just wrapped you up in a hug. While he told you that he understood everything & how he wanted to know if there was anything at all he could do for you. Not once judging you on your actions, just reassuring you that he was there for you & you could always talk to him about anything & everything.

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