Netflix & Chill - Castiel

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After the busy few days, you'd had you wanted nothing more than just to have a quiet relaxing night to yourself. The boys had chosen to go out for the evening while you just took up occupancy in Dean's man cave to catch up on some Netflix. You were a few episodes into your current show when you felt a set of eyes watching you. Pausing the t.v you looked up to see Cas standing behind you. You told him he could take a seat next to you & join you if he'd like. He nodded & joined you on the couch. You briefly explained to him the show you were in the middle of & caught him up to speed on things so far. To be honest you loved having Cas around. Not to mention that just being in his presence made your heart flutter. You always had feelings for the angel, you just never voiced them to him or acted on him. Mainly because you had already concluded that there was no chance of him ever seeing you in that type of way, especially with him being an angel & all. But tonight you had been proven wrong. A spicy scene had started to play on the screen & out of the corner of your eye you could've sworn you saw Cas inch a little closer to you. When you felt his arm brush up against yours your senses seemed to heighten & you because fully aware of just how close he had moved to you. You couldn't help but steal long glances from his face down to his lips. Then shyly turning away whenever you noticed him shift or his eyes look away from the t.v. screen. You didn't wanna be the one to make the first move so you managed to redirect your focus back onto the screen in front of you. Well, that was until you felt his hand brush against the skin of your leg. You silently thanked yourself for opting to wear a pair of shorts tonight as you closed your eyes & took in the feeling of his hand on your bare skin. You had only opened your eyes when you felt him remove your hand, but when you opened them you saw just how close Cas was to your face. His lips mere inches from your own you watched as his eyes trailed from your eyes to your lips & you mimicked his actions until he closed the gap & kissed you. The sounds from the t.v being forgotten as the two of you explored each other's mouths until you pulled away for some much-needed air. No words were needed as he gently pulled you into his lap & made himself comfortable while wrapping his arms around you. Who knew that your quiet relaxing night of watching Netflix would turn into something like this, but you sure as hell weren't complaining since you knew now that Castiel had indeed returned your feelings. But you couldn't help but laugh when you heard Dean proclaiming from the doorway a few hours later that it was about damn time you & Cas had gotten together.

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