Movie Date Night - Dean

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You'd be lying if you said you hadn't been looking forward all week to this. The two of you had been so busy lately with cases & doing research that you've barely even had any time to spend with each other. Which is why Dean promised you a much-needed date night Friday. You two decided to keep it simple & just have an at-home movie date. As soon as Friday came around you two made a quick stop at the nearest gas station grabbing all of your favorite snacks & especially getting a bunch of popcorn. Once you two had a decent stash of junk food & drinks you made your way back to the bunker. You were in charge of setting up all the snacks & drinks while your love was in charge of setting up the movies you'd be watching tonight. You both picked out 3 movies, so you were more than ready for this movie marathon. You had started out sitting curled up next to him, but halfway through the first movie, he managed to pull you into his lap & that's how the two of you spent the rest of the night. of course, you two would have some casual conversations during the boring parts of the movies, but overall you were both just enjoying finally getting to spend some much-needed time with each other. During the last movie you had drifted off to sleep & not wanting to bother you Dean was more than content with letting you sleep curled up in his lap. He finished watching the rest of the movie, but then turned off the t.v &  made himself comfortable enough so he could get some sleep while still having his arms wrapped securely around you.

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