Flirting With Him - Jack

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You'd had a crush on Jack since he had officially joined the team. But you tried your hardest to ignore those feelings since you were almost positive that he didn't feel the same way about you. Let alone that he even knew or understood what those types of feelings were. You were aware of the boys taking him under their wing but never poked around if they had even taught him or explained to him about emotions or feelings. Since you knew if you went digging that sooner or later one of them would find out about your little crush on Jack. Which right now you just wanted to keep under wraps. But whenever you were left alone with him you couldn't help the longing stares you gave him when he wasn't looking. or the handful of flirty comments that just seemed to come out on their own. Normally he'd just pay them no mind or just think it was you joking around with him. Well, that was the case until today. You are in the library with him putting back the mess of books that the two brothers had left scattered on the tables. You couldn't help the flirty comment that came out when you both just so happened to reach to pick up the same book & your hands brushed against each other. But when he didn't pull his hand away from yours you were the one left slightly confused. When you met his eyes he started to speak "Yesterday Dean taught me about these things called emotions, well more so what it's like to like someone as well as what it feels like when someone likes you back in return. I only bring this up because I think I like you & I'm pretty sure you like me too since Dean also told me about this thing called flirting. Which is what you do with me if I'm correct." Normally you weren't the one to be flustered, but hearing him say all this, you just didn't know how to respond besides managing to squeak out a little "Yes" in response. You felt the grip on your hand get a little tighter as if your response gave him a surge of confidence. Which it in fact did because now he knew how you truly felt for him & he was able to put words to the feelings he had been feeling for you.

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