He Finds His GF Stargazing - Dean

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You had been in the bunker all day helping with research & going through old files in the vault. You had decided that you needed some air. You also knew that it was a nice night to go watch some stars so before you left you stopped by your room to grab a hoodie & an old blanket. You quietly made your way outside. You decided to set up the blanket on top of the hill that was quite literally above the bunker. You had just laid down on the blanket when you heard the bunker door open & heard your boyfriend's voice calling your name. You sat up & called out to him telling him to come join you. There weren't many words said between the two of you as you were snuggled up with your head on his chest. His heartbeat helping you to relax as the two of you just stared up at all the stars in the sky. All you could think about was how this was the perfect way to end what had been such a hectic long day. You took your eyes off of the sky above to look up at your man. Watching how his perfect features just seemed to illuminate underneath the moonlight. He could feel you staring so he looked down locking eyes with you. The way his green eyes perfectly reflected the moonlight caused you to lose your breath. He noticed the effect he seemed to have on you & you watch as a smirk graced his perfect face as he leaned down to steal your lips in a kiss.

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