His Crush Likes Him Back - Gadreel

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You & Cas had always been pretty close to each other. Always being able to come to the other to confide in or just get advice from. Normally it was him coming to you for advice, but this time you went to him because you just felt more comfortable talking to him about this stuff than trying to talk to Dean or Sam. The conversation started off simple with you telling him you had recently developed feelings for someone. Cas was quick to determine that it was him, Dean, or Sam you were talking about, but decided not to push you on just who exactly you were talking about. But you gave him enough breadcrumbs that he started to get an idea of just who you were talking about. Gadreel. If it was anyone else you'd just straight up tell that person that you'd liked them & then see if they wanted to go out or not. But that wasn't the case this time since Gadreel was an angel, a fairly important one at that. Not to mention how every time you were around him you'd be too distracted to say more than a few words to him. You just couldn't help how attractive you found his vessel to be or the fact that every time you heard him speak you got butterflies in your stomach. The way he spoke to how he had a bit of an accent, you loved all of it & it was all just music to your ears. You explained to Cas, who stood there processing everything you had just told him. But what you didn't know was that Gadreel himself had been listening to every word that came out of your mouth. It wasn't until Cas saw him step out from somewhere behind you that he just suddenly vanished. Fairly disappointed at not getting any advice you turned around in defeat just ready to go back into your room, but when you did turn around you came face to face with Gadreel himself. Who had hints of a smirk starting to form on his face, but also a slight tint of pink dusted on his cheeks. Only then had you put two & two together & concluded that he had heard your conversation with Castiel. Your breath got caught in your throat when he stepped even closer to you & placed his hand on your cheek. "Well if you must know, I am quite fond of you too." He said. You barely heard what he said over the sound of your own heartbeat in your ears. It took you a minute to process what he had said, but you were able to steady yourself enough to get out "So do you wanna out then?" "If it's a date your asking me out on, then yes. I'd be more than happy to." He responded while coming even closer to you then you felt his lips on your forehead & you had to use every inch of willpower not to pass out right then & there from everything you were feeling.

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