Stop Laughing At Me Prompt - Sammy

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The brothers were currently involved in a not-so-little prank war. You had wanted nothing to do with it & made both brothers well aware of that fact. So for the most part you just watched from the sidelines. That was until today. Dean had set up an elaborate prank for your boyfriend. To put it simply he'd set up some sort of contraception that would make it so when he opened up the fridge he'd get a pie to the face. But what he hadn't planned for was you opening the fridge before Sam did which in turn resulted in you getting a face full of whipped cream. Unfortunately for you, Sammy had been in the kitchen when it happened so he got a front-row seat to everything that happened. He couldn't help but laugh at your misfortune. "Stop laughing at me." You said while wipping the whipped cream off your face. But of course, that didn't stop him so you decided to take a finger full of the whipped cream & wipe it on his face. "You better sleep with one eye opened pretty boy because I'm sure as hell not gunna forget this & you can tell Dean the same thing." You said while storming out of the kitchen so you could properly clean your face off. You made sure to get your payback with the help of Castiel & let's just say the next time even one of them thought about having another you made sure to remind them of what happened when they made the mistake of getting you involved. So yeah needless to say there weren't any more prank wars for a long while after that little incident.

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