I Think I Love You Prompt - Crowley

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You'd always been fond of Crowley. Even back when he was a crossroads demon. But now with him being King of Hell, you couldn't help, but feel your feelings for him grow. Not to mention living & working with the Winchesters meant most likely than not you were bound to run into him on almost a daily basis. You never entertained the idea of you & him actually being together since he was quite literally the King of Hell & you were just a human who the Winchesters considered family. Well, that was until Crowley had come to the bunker when you just so happened to be the only one there. Saying how there were some demons who'd gotten out of hand & that now needed dealing with. You told him you'd deal with it, but he did something that shocked you. He insisted on coming with you since they were his responsibility & how he wouldn't live it down if something was to happen to you. You couldn't help, but feel giddy as you packed your bags. Letting his words play over & over in your mind. You tried to calm yourself as you loaded up your car but were again surprised when Crowley said that he'd be joining you since he was the one who knew the location of the demons you'd be going after. You were a bit worried at first, but the longer you spent in the car with him the more relaxed you felt yourself become. Talking about whatever came to your mind or just driving in comfortable silence. Before you knew it you'd come to your destination. As you went to grab your weapons out of the trunk Crowley told you how there were four demons that you were going after & to make sure you watched your back. Wait, was Crowley being protective over you? You thought to yourself but quickly shook those feelings away because right now you had a job to do. One that required all your focus & attention. For the most part, things had gone smoothly & Crowley had even managed to save you from taking a shot from a demon who tried sneaking up behind you while you were focused on a different demon. Wiping the blood off your weapons you quietly thanked him for saving you back there & based on how things between you & him had been going all day, you decided now was the time to take your shot. "I think I'm in love with you." You said a bit more quietly than expected. "I'm sorry, what was that darling?" He asked. "I said I think I love you & having these kinds of feelings for you scares the hell out of me." You admitted. "And here I was thinking I was the only one scared of feeling those emotions," Crowley responded. It took you a minute to process what he said, but when you did you couldn't help but get a huge smile on your face & based on how he was looking at you he did in fact mean it as he returned your feelings. Then he gently took your hand placing a kiss on the back of it while saying "Let's finish packing up so we can get you back home love." For once you were actually looking forward to the extremely long drive back to the bunker since now you had your King of Hell next to you to keep you company.

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