You Came All The Way Prompt - Lucifer

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Your life had decided it was going to become a whirlwind recently. Since it seemed like someone released a fresh batch of monsters on the world. You loved going all over the country seeing new places. But you hated constantly being on the move or how with you constantly having to take on new cases you barely had any free time. Which meant your relationship with the Devil himself had to take a backseat. Which was something he wasn't too fond of, but with the influx of new demons showing up he was rather busy himself ruling hell. But he'd be lying if he said he wasn't going a bit stir-crazy from not seeing you. So he decided to take a little break & pop in to see you. You'd been in your motel room looking over the most recent case files when you heard a wooshing sound followed by Lucifer appearing in front of you. At first, you just thought you were seeing things since you were running on little to no sleep. But when he plopped himself down in front of you & took the file from your hands you knew you weren't dreaming. "You came all the way here to see me?" You said a bit surprised. "I mean I was starting to miss my favorite human so yeah I figured I'd drop by & see what you were up to." He said while flipping through the file. "You know if you want you can help me with this case. Since the quicker I get it done the more time I get to give you all of my undivided attention." You said while watching as he took a minute to mull over what you said. "You do bring up a good point so yeah why not? I'll help you especially since from the looks of it we're going after a shifter which won't be that hard to track down, for me at least." He said while closing the file & handing it back to you. You quickly tucked it away & stood making your way to your duffel bag so you could make sure you had the proper weapons to hunt the shifter.

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