He Finds You Having A Breakdown - Dean

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He suspected something was up when you never called him back like you said you would when you were finished with your hunt. So he dialed your number & when it just rang & rang he started to get a little worried. Luckily before you left he had turned your phone's GPS on in case a situation like this came up. So he got your phone's location & started to make his way across town to the motel your phone had pinned at. While the person at the front desk was telling him what room you were in & how you didn't look in the best shape you were sitting on the motel bed just being consumed by your thoughts. About how sideways the hunt went & how you were lucky to just walk away with some superficial scrapes & some bumps & bruises. So you just cried out all your emotions & cried until you couldn't anymore. You had wanted to go back to the bunker but didn't wanna risk having your boyfriend see you in such a state since you knew he already had a lot on his plate & the last thing you wanted to do was add to it. That's why it broke your heart when you had to ignore his phone calls because you knew if you heard his voice it'd just cause you to break even more. But all your crying had started to turn into a low-grade panic attack that you knew was gunna get worse any minute. While you were so wrapped up in everything you were feeling you didn't even notice how your green-eyed hunter boyfriend had unlocked the motel room door & made his way over to where you were on the bed. Seeing the state you were in just broke his heart. Why hadn't you just called him & let him know what was going on he wondered? But he pushed that thought out of his mind because he was here right now & was sure as hell gunna make sure he helped you get through this & do everything in his power to help you feel better. You jumped when you felt the bed dip next to, you but relaxed when you heard Dean's voice letting you know that it was okay & that he's got you. He carefully pulled you into his lap & just rubbed your shoulders helping you control your breathing. Telling you just to focus on his voice while he soothed you with his sweet words. Helping wipe away the few remaining stray tears that slipped past your eyes. But him just being there for you holding you was enough to help ground you & get your emotions under control. But slowly you found yourself drifting in & out of consciousness while you listened to the steady thumping of his heartbeat. The last thing you remember hearing was him whispering to you how much he loved you, how much you meant to him & how he was always going to be there for you whenever something like this happened to you.

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