Why Are You Staring Prompt - Gabriel

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All throughout the day, you kept feeling eyes on you. But whenever you tried to look for the source you couldn't find anything out of the normal. Well, that was until you found out from a little birdie that a certain trickster was visiting so you figured it was just him trying to make you paranoid or something. So you just chose to ignore the feeling & go on about your day. Well, that was until Gabriel decided to finally show himself while you were nose-deep in old bunker files trying to look for useful information on the upcoming case you were gunna be working. At first, you chose to just ignore him because you had so many boxes to still go through. But then you got that feeling of eyes on you again. Looking up you locked eyes with Gabriel. So finally you had enough & asked him "Why are you staring at me?" To be honest you were just fed up with it & wanted to know what he was trying to get at. "Because I think you're beautiful." Can his response perhaps a tad quicker than normal. "I'm sorry, what?" You asked dumbfounded. "I said because I think you're beautiful." He repeated more calmly this time. "Is that supposed to be some kind of joke?" You asked hesitantly. "Absolutely not sugar, I mean every bit of it because I like you, sweetheart." He said more confidently while reaching across the table to take hold of your hand. Now you were the one left feeling shy. Since Gabriel was here in front of you confessing his feelings for you. "I like you to Gabe, like really like you." You said a little quieter than normal. But in response you felt his hold on your hand tighter just a little bit & watched as a smile crept its way onto his face.

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