Breakfast Prompt - Jack

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You had woken up to the smell of food. But as soon as you opened your eyes & started to wake up all you could feel was the soreness all throughout your body. That's when yesterday's memories came flooding back to you & you were reminded how you weren't currently even in your own room. Nope, instead, you were in another motel room since you were currently in the middle of a hunt that you were called out to be backup since what Dean had thought would be a simple case turned out to be anything but. Point being last night you were paired up with Dean while Sam was paired up with Jack while you were all investigating an old creepy-looking mansion trying to figure out if you were looking for a ghost or vengeful spirit or whatever else they had thrown out the names of. But what you had found out was that you were actually dealing with multiple sprits some who were trapped & the ones who had control of them were pulling the strings so to speak. Once you had all realized that you were way underprepared for this fight you & Dean tried to regroup with Sam & Jack, but in the process, one of the spirits had taken a cheap shot at you & sent you tumbling down one of the flights of stairs. Luckily nothing was broken, but now that it was the next day & you had no more adrenaline running through you, you were feeling everything. As you slowly sat up & carefully made your way out of bed you were greeted by Jack who was setting the kitchen table with what looked like actual food & not some greasy food Dean would pick up for everyone. "You brought me breakfast?" You asked while gingerly taking a seat next to him "Well you said you always forget to eat before you go to work, so I thought I'd make sure you ate something. Especially with what happened last night I figured that this would be better for you than what Dean normally picks up for us." You couldn't help but smile a the variety of fresh fruits that would definitely help make you feel better. You also noticed how he got you your favorite types of waffles & pancakes. Once he finished setting everything out on the table he took a seat next to you encouraging you to eat. You honestly couldn't even remember someone went out of their way to do something this nice for you. You started to make your plate while having only one thought on your mind, this man, being or whatever he was sitting in front of you was something you wanted to keep around. Even if it was for your own selfish reasons, overall you did enjoy having him around or being around him in general.

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