Cuddle With Me Prompt - Dean

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You snuggled further into your blanket as you wandered the halls of the bunker looking for your wonderful boyfriend. You rounded the corner of the hallway you heard the muffled sounds of a t.v. Following the sounds, you stood outside of your boyfriend's man cave, or as he called it The Dean Cave. You stood in the doorway observing as he was watching what looked like old cartoons. You smiled at the sight, you couldn't remember the last time you saw him look so innocent. Your heart fluttered when his laugh reached your ears. He must've felt your presence as he turned & locked eyes with you. "Come cuddle with me." He said as you lifted up the blanket he had draped over his lap & patted the spot next to him. As soon as you sat down you were engulfed in warmth. From both his body & the very fluffy blanket he had wrapped around you. You were also hit by his manly scent as you snuggled in closer to him. You immediately felt your entire body relax as you turned your attention from him to the show he was watching. It was after the third episode when you had started to nod off. But when you did finally fall asleep you had the most peaceful, relaxed look on your face. One which Dean mirrored when he'd fallen asleep shortly after realizing you were no longer awake.

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