What Did You Do Prompt - Crowley

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You couldn't help the coy smile on your face. You knew how much Crowley hated sitting through meetings especially when he had to listen to lowly demons drag on & on about unimportant things. So you decided to do something nice for him. Which was to take the place of him & deal with all the meetings for the day. Which surprisingly went rather fast because the moment someone started to go off topic you were quick to warn them to stay focused or you'd have them dragged off & put on the rack. They quickly learned not to test you since you weren't as forgiving or lenient as your boyfriend was. Luckily Crowley had been off taking care of some other business, but once he saw your coy smile on your face while you were sitting on his throne he knew something was up. "What did you do this time darling?" He questioned. "I have no idea what you're talking about." You replied sheepishly. He just gave you a look as you sat there smugly. Around that time one of his servants had walked in with something that had to be signed off. They also mentioned how there was nothing else that needed to be done today. Which at that comment Crowley looked at you & all you did was shrug. Once the servant left then you spoke up. "I may or may not have taken care of all your meetings & schedule for today while you were out. Just I know how much you loathe sitting through hours of pointless yapping so I may or may not have used some leverage to wrap up things quicker than normal." "Leverage or threats you mean love." He countered with a laugh. "I mean in the end it got the point across so call it whatever you want. All I know is that we now have the rest of the day to spend with each other with no interruptions." You said while standing up & making your way over to where your boyfriend kept his favorite drinks. You grabbed a glass & poured some alcohol in it & handed it to him. "The rest of the day without interruptions you say." He took a swig from the glass & you watched as a wicked grin spread across his face. You knew you were in for quite the day which you couldn't help the feeling of excitement that flourished throughout your body.

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