His GF Gets Zapped To The Bad Place - Sam

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You had been woken up in the middle of the night from Jack's screams. When you went to go check on him you quickly noticed how he was having a nightmare. You had gone to wake him up to let him know he was safe & okay. But as soon as his eyes opened they were glowing & all of a sudden there was a bright flash of light. The next thing you knew you were in another place. When you started to get your bearings you noticed how this place looked familiar. That was when it dawned on you, you had been sent to the bad place. You had never been there, but you knew about it from the stories you heard from Sammy. You also knew just how dangerous this place could be & how much danger you were currently in. Especially since all you had was the gun you had grabbed before you left your room. You knew it wasn't Jack's fault for sending you here since you could tell he was just scared, but still, you knew if something happened to you while you were here that he'd never forgive himself. You hadn't even been there longer than 10 minutes before creatures had started attacking you. Luckily you had enough bullets to quickly deal with the group. But you knew that there'd be more coming & that you wouldn't have enough bullets to deal with them. Luckily the group of monsters you had taken out had been carrying a variety of weapons which you were quick to pick up. That way you'd at least have something to fight with if you ran into anything else. You had lost track of time since you were mainly from running trying to find somewhere to take shelter or having to fight off whatever monster tried to come after you. You had found a nice little nook where you could sit down & try to catch your bearings, but as soon as you sat down you started to hear more noises heading in your direction. So you braced yourself while you waited for the monster to come into your line of view. But instead of some mutant monster what had come out into your line of sight was your boyfriend. Behind him, you could see Jack, Cas & even Dean. They were all holding weapons while searching for you. You quickly dropped the long weapon you were holding & ran to your boyfriend. Relieved to see him & just wanting to get the hell out of this place & back to your world. The boys were just as relived to see you as they were while Jack profusely apologized for sending you here. You let go of Sam & quickly wrapped him in a hug saying it was okay & that you didn't blame him or were mad at him because you knew he was scared. Dean was quick to break up your little reunion so all of you could get out of this place. When you were safely back in the bunker Sam was quick to check you over for any injuries, but the only ones you had were some superficial scratches from low branches catching your legs while you were running.

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