Asking Him To Heal You - Balthazar

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Normally when you got injured you'd just take care of your own injuries. Or if one of the brothers or Castiel was around they'd fix you up depending on how serious the injury was. But today was different. You'd gone on a solo hunt dealing with some demons who'd gotten out of hand recently & needed to be taken care of. You were prepared to deal with 3 at most but were in for a surprise when there turned out to be a total of 6. Needless to say, you were in for quite a fight since you knew with that many they wouldn't go down without a fight. Which was exactly the case because you had barely even managed to walk away from that fight. Most of your body was covered in cuts, some fairly deep from where their claws had torn into you. You had tried to make it back to your car, but when your vision started going in & out you knew if you didn't get help fairly quickly nothing good would come from it. So you mustered up the last bit of strength & energy you had & sorted out to your boyfriend letting him know you were in trouble & needed help now. Hoping that he'd actually hear you because you didn't know how much longer you'd be able to stay conscious for. Luckily Balthazar did hear your plea for help & was at your sides in a matter of moments. Helping to prop you up against one of the walks while he quickly got to work healing you. You couldn't even remember the last time you saw him so serious or concentrated on something. You had tried your hardest to stay awake while he healed you, but it was useless as you felt the exhaustion creeping up on you. When you did wake up sometime later you realized that you were back in your motel room. You took your time sitting up & even felt a pressure on your back. When you turned to look you saw that it was your sweet angel who was just helping you to sit up & keep you balanced. You did notice though how he seemed to have a more relaxed look on his face as apposed to the worried one he had while he was healing you earlier. "Thank you for coming when I called as well as healing me Balth." You said voice still laced with sleepiness. "You know I'd do anything for you, sweetness, though I do have to ask. How come you've never asked for me to heal you before?" He asked while gently rubbing your back. "Well this is gunna sound silly, but I've always been too embarrassed about asking you before. Since I know you're fairly busy with stuff & I just don't wanna burden you with small things." You admitted. "There's nothing in this universe that's more important to me than you. So even if it's something small you can always rely on & call me because there's nothing that I love more than being with you or helping you." He said then leaned in placing a longing kiss on your lips that just further proved his words.

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