This Places Creeps Me Out Prompt - Sam

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"This place creeps me out." You muttered while making your way through the old abandoned factory. Worst of all the place had no power meaning all you had to rely on was your tiny flashlight since you'd left your phone in the car since it was almost dead. Luckily you were paired up with your moose of a boyfriend so you pretty much just clung to his arm while you two searched the factory looking for the ghoul that the two of you had tracked here not that long ago. But truth be told you hated the dark. No, you weren't scared of it, you just hated how literally anything could jump out at you any second & chances are you wouldn't see it coming. So you couldn't help but be on edge at every tiny sound you heard. None of it going unnoticed by your boyfriend who very much so knew of your hatred for the dark which is why he didn't even bother suggesting you two split up. He also noticed how you started to become more jumpier the further you went into the factory. So he quietly started to soothe you by telling you he wouldn't let anything happen to you & that he's got you. Even giving your hand a squeeze reassuring you. That had started to work until his light shined on the ghoul which lept towards the two of you which in turn made you scream out of shock. Luckily your scream seemed to have stunned the monster long enough for Sammy to kill the thing & once it was dead the two of you practically sprinted out of that place that way you wouldn't have to suffer a moment longer. You just wanted to be as far from that place as possible. Which was exactly what the two of you did. Got the hell out of there & somewhere more populated & not so pitch black. Which just ended up being a local dive bar. You were fine so long as you had your man with you & a drink or two wouldn't hurt to help calm your frayed nerves along with some greasy food.

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