He Brings You Flowers - Castiel

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You had been feeling a bit down recently. Though with the type of life you had with being a hunter it just kinda came with the territory. Most times you'd just find an outlet for those emotions. Whether it was by having a much-needed cry to just get out all of the emotions or working on a case or doing research which helped to get your mind off of focusing on the negative emotions. But sometimes, times like right now it seemed like nothing you'd do was helping you to get rid of these feelings. Well, that was until you got a surprise visit from your sweet angel. No matter how hard things had seemed to get for you he was always able to brighten your mood let alone an entire day. But this time you nearly cried when he pulled out a small bouquet of hand-picked wildflowers from behind his back & gave them to you. "I sensed that you were feeling down so I went to heaven's garden & picked you the most beautiful flowers I could find." He said stepping into your room. "I love them Cas, thank you so much." You replied while gently placing them down on your desk so you could wrap your, sweet boyfriend, sweet boyfriend in a hug. He just always seemed to know exactly what to do to help make you feel better & you were just glad you could call him yours.

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