I Heard That Prompt - Dean

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You loved Dean, you really did & god did everyone know it. But everyone, including yourself, also knew how he could be quite stubborn & thick-headed. And when he was in one of those moods it was nearly impossible to talk any sense into him, but even then you never backed down from him. Always being the one to keep him in check & not caring if he tried to direct his anger to you since you'd just deflect it & not let it affect you. Right now was one of those times. You had been out working a case with the two brothers & were currently in your shared motel room with them going over all the information you've collected on the case. But of course, Dean thought that the monster you were chasing was a werewolf, while Sam on the other hand was convinced that you were going after a Vampire since so far none of the victims had been missing their hearts, but all the blood had been drained from all the bodies. But the one thing that didn't add up was that either the victim's throats had been ripped out or severed. Either way, they weren't able to scream out for help. You were trying to convince the boys to just go over the evidence one last time to see if there was anything else that didn't add up, but by this point, Dean was already fed up & instead just stormed out of the room. At this point, you had just had enough & snapped. "I swear to god Dean if you don't get your ass back here & help us figure this shit out I'm just gunna leave & you'll never have my help on any more cases. So seriously for once can you get your fucking head out of your ass & stop acting like a spoiled man child." You said anger dripping from your words. "I heard that!" Came his response from outside the motel room. "You were supposed to!" You sassed back. A few seconds later the door opened & he sulked back in. All you did was point for him to take a seat next to Sam because at this point you were just trying to calm down & not flip out any further. While they looked over the evidence you were just sprawled out on one of the beds trying to calm down & clear your mind, but then it dawned on you as to what you might be hunting. "Werepire!" You said while jolting up from the bed. "That's what we're hunting. It makes sense since all the victims have signs of being done in by a hybrid of the two. Plus didn't you two have a run-in with some a while back?" The brothers just shared a knowing look & then looked at you, Dean was the first to speak. "As much as I hate to admit it I think you're right sweetheart." "Well of course I am since I actually take time with doing research & looking over evidence for things that don't or do add up, unlike you who rather just jump in head first & possible end up getting mauled when you find out that the all mighty Dean Winchester was wrong." That last comment was able to pull quite the laugh out of Sammy. "Plus we all know without me here this team would just fall apart." You said sending a wink your boyfriend's way. "Yeah yeah, your just  lucky I love you so damn much sweetheart." He responded while standing up & getting the weapons bag ready. "You know I can say the same thing about you, love." You responded while walking up next to him & placing a kiss on his cheek.

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