Are You Crying Prompt - Gabriel

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You were an emotional wreck. Well, at least you were on the inside. You were just barely managing to keep it together on the outside. But the tiniest thing would break you. Which to be honest was something you were scared of having happen. Mainly because you hated crying in front of people. Especially when you just so happened to be in a car full of the people who you considered the closest to you. That's right you were in a car with Dean, Sam & Cas. Luckily you were in the back with Cas who had noticed you weren't quite acting like yourself & just gave you your space for the time being because he sensed how you just wanted to be left alone for now at least. You already knew the moment you walked back into your motel room you'd most likely burst into tears, but at least there'd be no one around to judge you or ask you a million questions. Let alone explain that you mainly wanted to cry because of how frustrated the current case you were on was making you. Let alone how you weren't the only one getting frustrated. So were Dean and Sam which ultimately led to them arguing with one another & to be honest you were just getting tired of constantly having to play the mediator & being forced to shove your own emotions to the back burner. Hell, you wanted nothing more than to just cry your eyes out & vent to your boyfriend. But he was off doing who knows what & you were stuck on this case for however many more days. While Dean pulled into the motel parking lot you quietly said your goodbyes to the boys & told them not to worry about getting any dinner for you & that you'd take care of it yourself. As soon as you closed the door to your room you dropped your bags on the floor & collapsed against the door. You felt the tears prick at your eyes & decided not to hold them back anymore. So you sat there propped against the door while you cried your eyes out until you heard a voice in the distance. "Are you crying?" You heard come from within your room. Looking up through your teary eyes you spotted someone sitting on the chair near your bed. Wiping your eyes the figure came into focus. "Gabe." Came your broken voice. You watched as he stood up & walked over to you bending down & carefully picked you up. Walking over to your bed & sitting down with you in his lap. He stayed quiet giving you time to go through your emotions & decide if you wanted to talk about it or not. Making sure to hold you close whispering sweet nothings every now & then as your cried. Not caring if your tears soaked his shirt. After a while, you wiped away the last of your tears & just began to vent out everything to your sweet angel. While he sat & listened to everything you said. Even offering some useful advice. But most importantly taking the situation very seriously & not being the normal trickster you were used to seeing. Only when you were done venting to him was when he went back to acting like the cute jokester you knew & loved. Plus he knew it'd help cheer you up since it was sort of his specialty. You knew you could always rely on him to not only listen when you needed it but also help make you feel better without even trying that hard. That was just one of the many reasons why you loved him so much.

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