Your Eyes Are Beautiful Prompt - Cas

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You stared down at your swirling cup of coffee. Watching the creamer mix with the coffee itself. Making all sorts of shapes & patterns as it swirled around as you mixed it. While you stared down at the cup your mind started to drift off to other things. Like to the case you were in the middle of prepping for. Or how this was going to be different than most cases you went on since you had your own personal angel joining you. Normally he'd go with either Sam or Dean, but they were both already out on their own case. You were excited & for once looking forward to go on a case with your boyfriend. Since it was rare the two of you went on a case together let alone get to spend quality time together. But now you were getting to do both, so what was there not to look forward to? You smiled while thinking about it. You heard a slight wooshing sound & looked up from your coffee & were met with Cas standing in front of you. You noticed he had what looked like files in his hands. He took a seat across from you & put them on the table. "I was able to pick up all the case files the police have so far. So we can look through these & figure out what exactly we're looking for." He explained while he divided up the files & slid your half to you. You just nodded & started to get to work. You were a couple of files down & felt like you were barely scratching the surface. There was little evidence to go off of or to help you pinpoint what monster you were hunting. You decided to take a little break & hoped that Cas was having better luck than you. You couldn't help but stare at him as he read through the files. Watching as every once in a while he mumbled something to himself or how his facial expressions changed while he read over the papers. You watched as he paused & looked up from the file meeting your gaze. "Your eyes are beautiful." You blushed at the sudden compliment but tried to play it off. "I could say the same thing about yours, but did you find anything? My files have absolutely nothing." You said & released a heavy sigh. "Actually yes, they do. Turns out we're hunting a wraith & do you really think my eyes are beautiful too?" Came his response. You gently placed your hand on his cheek & lovingly stroked it. "Of course I do Cas, your blue eyes are one of my favorite things about you. Sometimes if I stare at them long enough I get lost in them." You admitted. "But I think that's enough sweet talk for now. I mean we do have a case to work on. Plus we'll have plenty of time for romance once we finish the case." You added while cleaning up the case files scattered on the table & handed them back to your boyfriend. You watched as he nodded in agreement as you stood & got ready to leave the kitchen so you could finish packing since now you knew what you were hunting.

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