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Nicola's POV
I shot up in my bunk as I felt a soft but fast flying object hit my face. I opened my eyes and saw it was a pillow that seemed to have been thrown by jasper I only know that because
1. The look of horror on his face
2.He usually wakes up Will whom sleeps on the top bunk of our shared bunk by throwing a pillow at him.

"Good morning everyone time to get up" I said giving a quick glance over to jasper before throwing his pillow pack at him. I warned "I have to do cabin inspection with Annabeth and will be back at our cabin in about 10-30 minutes so clean up" I had no faith in them to actually clean anything but I tried.

I went trought all the cabins saying good morning to everyone and doing my inspections I got back to my cabin I sighed before opening the door expecting a mess but when I opened the door it was cleaner then I trought I'd be. If you ignore the mess of the art everywhere, the pile of shoes at the front and some other small messes it was pretty clean considering the amount of kids in our cabin and the fact that most people don't have time to clean cause of our shifts.

Annabeth and I finished up our inspections on the rest of the cabins by 8:30 which gave me enough time to get everyone dressed, medicated and out the door for breakfast. Once we all sat down at the breakfast table I did a headcount to make sure everyone was there which of corse we were missing someone I scanned over my campers and it was Linc not surprising. I didn't bother trying to find him I assumed maybe he had a shift in the infirmary or slept in and would join us later.

After breakfast I get everyone to sword and shield training with Clarisse and the Ares cabin. I told Jasper to watch over the cabin well I go find Lincoln. Sadly when you're one of the head conclers if you walk around looking like you're doing nothing suddenly everyone has a problem that YOU need to help them with right then and there so what should have been a 10 minute trip to go get Linc turned into an 2 hour quest to try and make it back to the cabin with the least interruptions possible.

First things first I had to check the infirmary which was on my way to the cabin anyway to make sure that Linc wasn't working or dead. The second I opened the door came a wave of questions from my siblings "NICK where do we keep the bandaids" I heard yelled across the infirmary I kind of chuckled under my breath before pointing to the cabinet. I walked to the back room (kind of like a staff room but mostly just a supply closet where we hide from our responsibility or to go have a quick cry) Will was there getting some more ambrosia brownies. "Have you seen Linc" I asked. He sighed "NO I tought he was with you, maybe he still in the cabin" "thanks anyway" I responded

With that I walked back trought the infirmary answering questions and passing tools to ppl as I passed by. I walked out towards my cabin hoping Linc would be there cause if he wasn't I'd be in big trouble and I'd worry he was hurt. I opened the door to the cabin and yelled for Lincoln but no response. I walked around checking all the bunks, behind the stage anywhere he could have hidden/passed out behind but nothing the cabin. I checked the time it was about 10:40 so my cabin should be having free time or getting ready for archery with the Hephaestus cabin. I headed over to archery to wait for them and tell Chiron that I'd lost a camper.

As I walked up to the field for archery I was happy to see that not only my my cabin already there ready for the next activity but Linc was there too. That excitement quickly left as I get closer and saw Linc wasn't helping set up the targets he was resting against one for support probably due to the arrow sticking out of his right leg. I ran towards Lincoln I didn't really care how it happened I just cared about getting him to the infirmary. I forgot however to check before walking in front of the targets and was soon faced with a speeding arrow heading for my head.

Now because Apollo kids usually have great aim they like to throw things a LOT so over the years I've gotten pretty good at catching those thing which is exactly what I did only a few inches away from my face I caught the wooden arrow my face and life were sparred my hand however was not spared from the splinters of catching a wooden arrow. I looked over by now I'm tears from the pain and saw one good thing it wasn't one of my campers so I didn't have to deal with that but it was Harley a Hephaestus camper or in other words I watched the head councler of the Hephaestus cabin my boyfriend have to decide between getting the bow out of his little brothers hands and helping the two injured people which he chose the right option of yelling at Harley to put down the bow we'll coming to help me.

I just stood there still in shock with tears rolling down my face arrow still in my hand to scared to let go. Jasper said he sent 2 campers to get Will and to walk off to the side and wait which I did. Chiron told both our cabins to just go to lunch early except for those injured, anyone who saw what happened and Harley. I was allowed to skip on the post accident meeting and Leo walked me over to the infirmary and sat with me. Will and Kayla brought in Lincoln who was passed out on the gurney they brought him into the other room and as they closed the door Austin came up to me "do you mind putting down the arrow" he asked putting his hand out to take it away from me which I did it hurt more cause of the splinters that were still attached to the bow.

The next 10 minutes were hell as Austin took out each splinter from my hand. I was still crying but this time it was from pain instead of shock. Leo was trying to distract me by making jokes it wasn't really working but it sometimes he would make me laugh which helped for a few seconds before another splinters got taken out. After all the splinters were removed and my hand was wrapped I went to see Jasper who was sitting in the waiting room I asked him what was wrong cause he looked like he was about to cry and he just started spewing out apologizes and trying to explain what happened "wohhh calm it dude I'm not mad at you just take a breath and tell me what happened" I said

He took a breath and calmly stated " I don't really know what happened Linc was setting up the targets and I turned for one second and then he was shot but Chiron said to go see him when you're healed" I sighed " this is gonna hurt more then that arrow" Leo chuckled at my joke "you too Leo " jasper said

As we walked over to the big house I was thinking of all the possible punishments Chiron was gonna give us. Jasper was following behind us and waited outside the big house. I opened the door and Chiron was waiting by the fire place with Harley next to him sitting on the floor. I didn't say anything I didn't want to initiate Chiron finally broke the silence "You can take those looks if your faces neither head councler is in trouble unless there's something you should be in trouble for" we both shook our heads nope, he continued "well from what I was told you Audrey were looking for Lincoln is that correct and left Jasper in charge" "yes" I said "well when the two cabins got to the field early I was not present as I was finishing up my last activity and I supposed the last group did not put away the equipment properly which gave Harley the opportunity to grab a bow that was left and try and get a "head start" on archery he claims" he motioned for Harley to get up which he did and sent him out the big house doors before finishing his story.

"The previous cabins councler has been informed to properly put away the equipment and has been giving a suitable punishment I hope you and your brother heal soon you may leave now" I turned to walk out the door but heard Chiron state "and Leo maybe keep a closer eye on Harley this is not the first time he's caused damage here at camp" with that we both left Harley was waiting just outside the doors with Jasper "maybe if your brother wasn't such I ass I wouldn't have shot him" Harley snapped.

"What" the rest of us looked over at him "he was just setting up the targets?" I asked confused "NO" Harley argued "that's what you told Chiron" Leo said "I was being nice unlike him he called me a bug and said I probably couldn't even hold a bow without falling over s-" Harley started explaining "So you shot him" I yelled Harley continued "LET me finish he also said "shut up you little twat makes sense your in cabin 9 with that face like after like son" I just stood there the anger I felt I didn't even respond I stormed off to the infirmary

I threw open the doors and screamed "LINCOLN!!!!!" I heard a couple "oh shit" from different people in the infirmary I stormed past everyone till I saw Lincoln scrambling to get out of the bed and onto the crutches. Let's just say he had a matching black eye to go with the arrow wound in his leg. And I learnt DO NOT punch someone with your freshly injured hand hurts a lot.

A/N do not expect consistency with me posting.

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