Let me rest (not gonna happen btw)

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Surprise I'm not dead (sorry Ella)

Just as quickly as everything went out it all came right back, I opened my eyes nervously awaiting to see Kayla still standing there but there was no one

I slowly looked around and noticed all the wires and tubes sticking out of me but knew they were there to keep me alive so I didn't mind much, although at this point I wasn't fully convinced I was alive, everything was quiet and clean and I didn't feel any pain nor was I bleeding anymore.

I looked down to where Jalen had stabbed me and almost chuckled when I realized that I was still in my bathing suit from the beach, but I look down and saw that there was no mark..we'll from the knife Thalia's gift to me was still very much prominent but there was no sign that I'd been stabbed at all and I didn't even feel that tired.

My arms shook as I sat up which made doing so somewhat difficult but I managed, I waited for a few minutes to see if anyone would come in but no one did so I decided to get up to go see if anyone was even working.

I swung my legs off the infirmary bed and slowly put my left leg down which went fine that's less then I can say for my right leg, the second I stood and put pressure on my right leg it immediately gave out and I headed for the floor. I tried to break my fall but my arms were to weak.

Okay so almost everything was healed my leg is still shitty good to know magic healing has its limits but I'm not complaining I mean I'm alive I think.

I just kinda stayed on the floor for a few seconds until I heard the footsteps then a voice

"Oh yay you're alive I'll be right back" Bea said then the footsteps faded away.

I managed to turn myself onto my back and sat up waiting for someone to return and realize I couldn't really just get up thankfully when I fell none of the tubes came out. Eventually Bea came back with Anathea I was hoping Bea had gone to get a healer or something but that works too.

"Oh good you're awake did Bea tell you what you missed" Anathea asked

"No wait what did I miss how long was I out?" I asked a little frantic "only like a week or so" Bea answered

"A week?!" Expecialy considering how camp was when I was awake last a week could change from family banter to a full or war and I wouldn't be surprised. There was a moment of awkward silence as i starred up at the two before someone new decided to come in and join the party.

"Why are you on the floor" asked Sara

"I tried to walk and that didn't go so well" I replied

"Clearly" Bea said as they walked over to help me up back into the bed. "Can we go back to me missing a week?" I asked all three of them just stood there waiting for the others to speak up.

"You didn't miss much after you...yeah, Jalen was upset and so were a lot of her siblings a few fights but Chiron broke it up and Sara hid in her cabin for a few days" Bea explained "so I get stabbed and everything's fine now" I asked

"Not fully Chiron said when you wake up to bring you to the big house he wants a chat" Sara said with a nervous look on her face.

"Can one of you get Jalen to stab me again so I don't have to" I joked then they left to get a wheelchair.  Sara and Bea brought me to the big house then left me right outside Chirons office.

I knocked on the door and after a few seconds someone opened it, I jumped a little when I saw it was Ella but she didn't have as much of a murderous look in her eyes as the last time I saw her so I was pretty sure it was fine.

I get inside and saw the others in the room only a few people Jason was sitting in the chair next to Chirons desk as he staired at the door, Anathea who had somehow beat me herr was wandering around the room and Ella was standing off to the side scanning the room probably trying to make sure I wasn't gonna jump out the window and set her cabin on fire or something.

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