Get away car - taylor swift

12 1 27

Feb 20 2012

the week following valntines day i actually took it easy (lame i know), after so many years of being at camp/not being 10 there's not really much Chrion can do to force you to do the activities i mean he can strongly suggest it but he's strongly suggested a lot of things and almost no one ever listens so why would this time be any different. And to help my case even more I took over the night shifts in the infirmary because they are normally pretty calm and it made sure the real healers were rested and ready for the day if anything big came up.

For the first few days after the accident I kinda just hung out with Leo but two days ago a new kid showed up and got claimed, and with the fact that Beckendorf left with Selina to take a tour of new rome and Jake was gone looking into college programs it left Leo alone running the entire cabin, Lucy who has dealt with that problem (along with a lot of us in our cabin) tried to help him out but he was insistent he didn't need help and knew what he was doing which was mostly the truth but the look Nyssa had when he said he knew what he was doing told me to maybe come check in in a few days...or whenever one of them shows up in the infirmary next.

So with no boyfriend to annoy and no working legs i sat on the stairs outside of the cabin next to our small gardens we have oufront, its most filled with sunflowers(shocker) and a mix of other plants including a large rose bush. the rose bush i had planted there almost twelve years ago but over the past week it had started to look different, the roses were wilting and her leaves were drooping. I didn't know what to do I hadn't changed anything she still got the same amount of sun and water.

I decided to go talk to someone who might actually know more about plants then me.

"Thea!" I yelled wheeling myself over towards her, the camp wheelchairs are good but still not very easy to maneuver expecialy in dirt or grass, when I woke up this morning I had mumbled to myself that I think I didn't need to today but Lee shot me a look that basically said "use it or I'll break your legs" which was then followed by his shimmering smile so I did not argue. Even though we had an entire argument over him treating me like a child I think he just can't help but be a little over protective sometimes.

I got Theas attention and she walked over

"Hey Nico what's up"

"You like plants right" I asked and she gave me a blank stair "ok sorry didn't want to assume but anyway I need help" I continued, I told her about my rose plant and showed her really hoping she could help.

"So can you tell if anything's wrong" I asked nervously

"I mean from what you said you haven't changed anything and I can't feel anything wrong with the plant but it could be something Magical do you know if this is a normal plant or mythological" she asked

"Well my Satyr gave it to Lee to give it to me before she left so I'm not sure I didn't really have time to ask questions, but if anyone would know Lee might remember" I told her so she left for about half an hour when she came back she seemed anxious

"Okay so I talked to him and...I think this is more of a Hecate or Hades cabin thing this is out of my range" she said then hurried away before I could ask anything, I was more upset that I now had to get all the way over to cabin 13 like she could've at least offered to push me there but eventually I made it there myself and because I couldn't get up the steps I just took rocks from the surrounding ground and threw them at the door until someone opened it.

I honestly should've assumed no one was going to be there because it was the middle of the morning but luckily Fenris opened the door and walked out still in his pyjamas.

"No ones dead right?" He asked

"Actually camps having quite the opposing problem right now but that's not why I'm here I need you or one of your siblings to come help me with my rose plant" I said frantically

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