At least im now the youngest anymore

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Janvis POV

On the drive back to camp I took a nap I think it was the best nap I'd ever had until I got woken up. Bea gently tapped me on the shoulder then told me we'd made it to camp.

We got out of the car and I booked it for the Athena cabin I banged on the door until someone opened "calm down wh... Janvi! You're back?" Adleigh said "yeah is Lia here" I asked excitedly "yeah one second" she replied closing the door. I waited on the porch and got excited when the door opened.

"So how was hell" Lia asked closing the door behind her "haha very funny we technically never went" I replied I looked over to Lia she looked a little bit different I mean I guess that's what happens when you leave for 4 months but I think it just hit more when I saw my friend I bet others where also thinking similar things about us I mean we haven't aged in four months either. I can't even imagine how weird it must be for people who know Lee and Michael seeing them still so young when they've aged. I tried not to think of it and just enjoy my friends company.

"You never went?" She asked "I mean we went to the underworld but we didn't end up needing to go to Tartarus"

"That's good I guess so what's up" Lia asked "I don't know though we could hang out" I replied "sure campfire?"

"Yeah I just gotta stop by my cabin I've been wearing these clothes for like four months" I joked as we walked over to cabin 7.

As i walked up the steps I felt better kind of like coming home after a long day, there was a few kids I didn't recognize playing on the front porch. I walked over to them "hey guys what you playing" I asked

"Colouring!" The girl replied happily showing me a colouring of a garden, the girl she looked about 10 years old she had short frizzy blonde hair and her green eyes light up with pride when she showed her art.

The boy next to her looked a little older he had black curly hair and was about 13 years old, he was sitting on the porch swing sketching away in his notebook. He looked up at me and his eyes light up "you're Janvi right Austin told us about you" he said which surprised me I kind of forgot the summer campers wouldn't know me I'm also scared to know what Austin told them about me hopefully good stuff.

"Yeah I am what's your guy's names" I asked "I'm Ricardo and that's... Judith!" he replied as he quickly got up I turned back and Judith had fallen down the stairs. I ran over as well and asked if she was okay thankfully somehow she just scraped her knee and her hands which caught her fall.

I tried to heal her "hmm usually that works" I said for some reason I couldn't I was probably just to tired or sleep deprived it was also night and so we decided to take her to the infirmary. I grabbed her arm to help her up and as soon as I did I got a stabbing feeling in my stomach and lost my balance.

Ricardo took Judith to the infirmary and Lia came over to see me on the ground "you okay what happened there" she asked "I don't...ah know it just hurts" I said the pain just continued.

Lia swung one of my arms over her shoulder and started carrying me to the infirmary once we finally got there and trough the doors Will came over "Gods is the whole Apollo cabin dying today" he groaned.

"So what's wrong" he asked "My stomach keeps...ah that yeah" I said right as the stabbing feeling got worse, Will ran over and helped me to a room.

After a lot of tests I was freaking out possibilities running trough my head what if it's appendicitis, what if I was stabbed and I didn't know, what if...

Then Will walked in "so what's wrong with me" I asked clutching my stomach. Will came over and placed a hand on my shoulder which freaked my out even more was this something really serious "Janvi..I'm sorry to tell you but you have a.... tummy ache" he said then giggled.

"Stomach aches aren't supposed to hurt this much" I said "they do when you haven't eaten in what three? Four? Months" he replied "oh yeah"

"Well I'll get you something to eat if you think you can handle it otherwise just rest" Will said then walked out to go get me some food.

Will came back a few minutes latter with some soup for me and asked if I needed anything because he was about to finish his shift for the night. I just asked how Judith was doing "oh you met her year she's doing good healed herself up she's really clumsy" he replied trying not to say that last part to loud.

After Will left I stay up telling Lia a bit of my adventure to hell and then went to sleep. You know how I said the drive back to camp was the best sleep I've ever had I take that back this sleep was that's probably because I slept for almost two days straight I think I remember sort of waking up at one point to eat but that could have also been a dream.

When I finally woke up I felt so much better that was probably the nectar and ambrosia finally kicking in. Lia had to go back to her cabin but apparently she came and checked on me a few times (Will told me).

I'd been awake for a while when Will came in the check on me this time not alone though he had Ricardo with him at least he kid looked like Ricardo I was still pretty tired.

"Training the newbie" I asked "yeah Simon wanted to learn so I promised last summer that I'd shown him" Will replied. Simon? I must have looked confused because Will shouted into the hall "Ricardo! Stop messing with people"

"Twins" I asked "yup and they like to play tricks" Will replied "oh perfect... so how many other kids are there that I haven't met yet" I asked

"Like the summer campers?" Will asked "yeah I know 3 of them now but are there others?"

"Yeah there's eight of them so you've already met the twins they are the oldest 13, then there's Clara and Kaden they are both 12 don't worry they aren't twins, Patrick and Tyler are both eleven, you've met Judith shes 10 and the youngest is Trevor he just turned 9 like two months ago" Will replied it was a lot to take in at once

"Can I have like flash cards or something" I joked Will laughed then told Simon to fill in the chart. Once Simon left the room I asked Will "you just using him to do the paper work for you?"

"Kinda but he seems to like it so shush" he replied. I was resting for a while until a little kid walked into my room he looked about 9 he had straight black hair and brown eyes and was holding a colouring book "you lost buddy" I asked "no I'm looking for Judith she wanted her book" he said holding up the colouring book "I think she's in the other room" I replied.

"Okay thank you.... why are you here are you sick" the boy asked "no I had an upset stomach but I ate some food and I feel better"

"Oh ok what's your name" he asked this was starting to feel like an interview or something "I'm Janvi what's your name" I asked "I'm Trevor" he replied then quickly turned and ran out of the room. "Nice to meet you too.." I said to no one.

A/n I like this chapter it's kinda cute and yes Janvi that means you're not the youngest anymore.

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