Lincoln (the fun head councillor)

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A/n Sorry for the kinda short chapter (^^shitty drawing of what I think the cabin looks like)
Janvis POV

So it did not take long for Lincoln to figure out he was I charge. Thankfully Mads had the day shift with me in the infirmary which somehow healing sick and injured people seemed better then having fun at camp right now.

Austin was basically hiding in here probably avoiding Lincoln but we didn't mind the extra help especially keeping two specific patients in their beds and resting cough cough Nicola and Jasper but you didn't hear that from me.

"I mean it wont be that bad he's only half in charge of like what 4 people what's the worst he can do" I asked not to anyone specific I was more just thinking aloud Mads replied anyways "The WORST he could do oh I don't know burn down the cabin kill us all"

"I mean he could do that without being in charge" I said back "that's true but all we can do is wait" Mads said with a fake enthusiasm "or we could tie him to his bunk till one of them is better" I joked.

"Let's call that plan B" Mads laughed then she went back to working. After lunch Austin basically took over my shift and told me I could leave if I wanted so I did. I avoided going back to the cabin if I did I'm sure Lincoln would have made me like do all the laundry or wash the floor with a toothbrush or something.

I tried to find Alia but she wasn't at her cabin so I went and found Charlie to ask if she'd seen Lia or the Athena cabin in general. She was sitting on the front porch of cabin 3 with Amilia. "Hey chazzy" I said to get her attention. "You hiding from Linc too?" She was only half joking.

"Kinda but not why I came here, have you seen Lia" I asked "pretty sure she's busy but just hang out with us we are cooler anyway" Charlie said. I sat with them and we played cards.

After a while Amilia asked why I was hiding from Lincoln "you scared he's gonna me you like do chores since when does anyone at camp listen to their head councillors"

"Trust me people don't listen to us" Charlie said poking her sister in the shoulder "yeah but I'm the youngest so right now I'm the target for anything any of my siblings don't wanna do" I told them "ohh yeah maybe you should stay here guessing you can't wait for summer then you can pawn off you chores on the younger kids" Amilia said.

"Or maybe I'm nice and actually do my own chores"I argued. After a while I decided to just face my fate and go back to the cabin. On the way over I was thinking of the worst and best case scenario what I walked into was neither. I was excited either to walk up and the whole cabin be exploded or something or best case scenario Lincoln just slept in and hadn't done anything. I walked Into the cabin and it was quiet?

I looked over and saw Lincoln next to a pile of all the cabins blankets and pillows "NO NOPE I'm not doing all the laundry" I said starting to walk back out the door "Oh slam it I'm not making anyone do any laundry just come help me" he said "help you with what exactly" I asked confused gesturing to the pile next to him.

"I'm making a blanket Fort" he said that like I should've known "if you just keep standing there not helping I will make you do laundry" he joked so I went over to help

"Do you have a general idea of what you want this Fort to look like or just wing it" I asked he just pointed at the floor there was a sheet of paper with a quick sketch of a blanket Fort and across the room is a white sheet I assumed was for a projector.

"So what movie please not the orientation film" I asked "I'm not that mean I wouldn't make you guy suffer through that again we are watching Hamilton" he said

"Don't say that to loud you might summon Charlie" I joked "so why have you decided to be nice suddenly" I continued asking "despite what you guys think I'm not evil" he said "that's debatable but still doesn't answer my question"

"Well truthfully I want to watch Hamilton and I'm just so mean I decided to make the whole cabin watch it too" he said sarcastically. "Fine don't tell me" I said then threw a pillow at his head which hit a little to hard.

"Oh you did not ju-" he said but didn't even finish his sentence just picked up a pillow next to him and threw it at me. I caught it and before I could swing it at his head I got hit in the face with another pillow.

"You're not gonna give up that easy are you" he asked picking up another pillow "never" I said. We had a very intense pillow fight until the door opened we both stopped and turned to see who it was. "What the hell is going on here" it was Will he looks angry.

I looked over to to Lincoln who looked scared like he was in trouble "why do you look scared your in charge" I asked him "oh yeah" he said then threw a pillow at Will which me caught.

"HOW DARE YOU.. how dare you have a pillow fight without ME!" Will said we both realized his anger was fake when he threw the pillow back at my head as hard as he could. "Why me what did I do" I swung and hit him in the chest.

I think the pillow fight lasted at least an hour then we kinda transitioned back to making the Fort. Later that night once everyone was back in the cabin Lincoln set up the projector and well he was doing that me and Will gave out snacks and drinks to everyone.

After the show Lincoln stood up "oh no what now" I heard Kayla joke "well if you'd let me talk I'd tell you" he replied with a suspicious smile on his face

"I already asked Chiron and he said yes so I wanted to tell you guys first before he announces it at the end of this week we are going to be having a chariot race"

A/n Look guys a went a whole chapter without mentioning myself (don't count that first one) also don't ask how they got Hamilton on the projector that's none of your business.

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