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"Oh shit" Percy said when he saw us. He and annabeth went off the the side and wishpered amongst themselves I couldn't really hear what they were saying but I knew it was about us.

"Where did you guys go for lunch?" Percy asked nervously

"Some weird place called hebe Jebes" Lee answered and by the reaction of both Annabeth and Percy that was not the answer they were hoping for. There was an awkward silence I think they were trying to think of something to do.

"Lee insulted Hebe!" I said

"You're such a tatle tale" Lee replied shoving my shoulder so in return I jumped at him trying to punch him I mean I was seven I couldn't do much damage

"Stop it you two" Anathea said chucking a throw pillow from the couch at us "Focus" she added pointing at Annabeth to draw our attention there. I forgot the other shitty thing about being seven again, I hadn't learnt any ways to deal with my ADHD which included emotional regulation.

Percy looked like he was really trying to think then his eyes light up like in a cartoon when a lightbulb appears over someone's head

"There's three Apollo kids one of you can sing right?" He asked hopefully.

I knew that Lee was not a good singer, healer yes amazing but singer no. I hoped sara was magically hiding some majestic singing voice or something because I knew I wasn't.

I just shrugged at Percy

"Really none of you?" He seemed very disappointed.

"I can when I was older kinda" Sara said which brought up the other point most people don't learn how to sing until they are older so even if one of us could it would have taken us years to be good at it.

Nyx was also no help they also sang a bit when they were older but at age 6 any kid singing sounds more like just screaming words. Why don't I sing you may ask, trust me anyone who knew me would say I used to sing a lot but not very well and after years of being surrounded by kids who natural (not gifted) talent was singing you learn pretty quickly you don't sound to good.

"So what do we do" Lee asked

"I'm thinking" Annabeth replied.

I felt a weird shiver down my spine I'd felt that feeling before it usually only happened when a prophecy ended like the last piece of a puzzle click into place and so does my spine, I ignore the feeling it was probably just my body trying to adjust to being seven still

Suddenly the kitchen sink flicked on and we all looked over

"We're you expecting a call?" Sally asked the room I guess she'd gotten used to the iris calls by this point.

No one replied but Anathea went over and accepted the call.

"You guys need to get back to camp now!" Beas voice rang trough the apartment

"Is this like an emergency because we are sorta occupied" Percy tried to explain

"Shut it Jackson!" Bea yelled back "fine don't come back" they then raised their hand to wipe away the call

"No wait why" Anathea jumped in

"The dilf is making an appearance" Bea said I ignore the name but knew what she meant "well if you choose to come back he'll probably be here till Tuesday I hear my dad talking to him" with that they ended the call.

"Well good thing we are here I don't wanna see him" Lee said I forgot how fun teenage angst was most of the kid in the cabin were to young or grew out of that faze, Lee did have a right to feel that way though he'd only ever met our dad once and only saw his from across the field like most kids at camp. That did remind me I had to tell him about Lester but now was most definitely not the time for that.

Argo 3 Apollo kidsWhere stories live. Discover now