Not my problem

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Jaspers POV

The infirmary was finally calming down from all the capture the flag injuries there was only a couple of patients left and quite enough healers to help so I decided to go check on how Leo was well actually it was to make sure Nicola was ok. I pulled the curtain and Nico was sitting on the chair next to the bed happily talking to Leo who thankfully was awake. Once Nicola saw I was standing there he asked me to go check on Janvi because she was there when it happened and was probably traumatized so I did. I walked back to the cabin and as I walked up the steps I could hear Nero the hellhound Janvi and Bea had tamed running around the cabin. I walked in and headed over to her.

"Hey Janvi" I said trying to avoid Neros tail. I sat down next to her on the floor "I just wanted to see how you were doing after all that" "is he alive?" She asked "yeah and is actually sitting up so he's healing" I told her "then yeah I'm fine I guess" i didn't want to pry more she seemed fine or was dealing with it in her own way so I headed back to the infirmary. I went to do my normal rounds for the hour. There was 7 people to check on first was Izzy Who is being kept to make sure she doesn't have a concussion after EJ shadow travelled right where izzy was causing them both to fall over. Thankfully EJ only broke a wrist but they decided to stay overnight to make sure izzy was fine and to let their arm heal. I went over and they were up playing cards together "all good?" I asked "yup" Izzy said before getting back to their game.

Third was a young Hermes kid in for dehydration I refilled his iv bag then carried on. Next was Leo I was about to ask how everything was when Leo shushed me I looked over Nico was passed out next to Leo, "great work ethic sleeping on the job" I said jokingly. I was just finishing checking on my last patient when the door to the infirmary flew open and in came stumbling Jalen and Bea "they're at 36" Jalen yelled "stop with your stupid Americanism I'm at 2" Bea said slurring their words" I rushed over helping Bea over to a bed. I looked over at Jalen who was holding her bleeding arm "what happened is that the same cut from earlier" I asked. "We were out gaurding the border and Bea went to check her level because they felt dizzy i tripped over a tree branch and she just swung I don't know if she thought I was like a monster or something" Jalen explained. "I'm finee" Bea continued to tell us. I told Jalen to go wait in the room next door well I get Bea some juice.

I got Bea some apple juice and set a timer on the clock or 15 minutes to check if her levels were going up, if it didn't I'd give her some skittles I was saving for me but low blood sugar beats candy craving. I really didn't want to have to fill out the report so I got the sheet ready and went to give it to Nicola to do. "Here two campers got in a fight" I said throwing the chart on the bed which woke him up "I swear to g-" he started to say before I cut him off "wasn't Linc don't worry" "uhhhhhhhhh do I have to" he complained "yes you're the head counsellor on duty right now" I walked out before he could throw anything at me. I went over and started helping Jalen "so wanna tell me what really happened or do I have to get Nico" I asked "like I said we were gaurding the border and Bea went to check her level and saw they were low and I jokingly said "we'll need some wine to bring it up then huh you drunk" and then she just snapped like full swing"

"I mean they do get agitated when they are low you know that but she still shouldn't have attacked you" I said well getting up "also your arm should be good now" "thanks Jazz" she said walking towards the door. I turned around hoping I could just sit for a few minutes but of corse not Nicola was right behind me and slammed the chart in my chest and said "You treated them you fill out the report" then he walked away. I sighed and walked to the desk to fill it out I mean at least I get to sit well I fill this out does that count as a break. I was half way trough filling out the chart when the door flew open "what now" I mutter under my breath getting up to see who it was. It was Barry the satyr "Where's Bea" he asked almost panicked. There's not very many diabetics at camp but Bea and Jalen are and so are the satyrs so they like to make sure Bea and Jalen are ok.

I walked him over because I had to test her sugar level anyway. "It's gone up a bit but not as much as I'd want so do you want more juice or some candy" of corse they chose the candy so I went and got her my skittles. I went back and finished the chart luckily the rest of the night was normal. It was 6 an and I woke up Nico so he could at least pretend he was working his shift ended at 8 am so he still had 2 more hours. I headed towards the door and as I reached for the handle it flew open and Janvi was standing there she looked very distressed I just turned to Nicola and said "Your problem now I'm clocked out" then walked out the door.

A/N why are you looking here read the chapter and comment 😊

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