Bea haunts me from camp

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⛔️Minor chalice of the gods spoilers⚠️

"Oh dear what happened to you" sally asked I wasn't sure if she was referring to the wheelchair or my red puffy eyes.

"Uhh I got slightly stabbed a little while ago but I'm recovering" I said trying to make it not seem as bad I tried to avoid looking her in the eyes "is that normal" I heard Paul lean over and and "I'm not sure" sally replied.

There was an awkward silence on both parts. Sally and Paul because a child had just told them he's been stabbed and on my part because I was raised by healers so you got hurt you just go to them and they fix it quickly I wasn't used to this kind of reaction.

Thankfully Lee came running over and gave me a hug "are you okay what happened where did you go" he asked frantically

"I told you I was going to come up in a bit" at least I thought I had told him "you just stayed back I thought you were waiting for the elevator or something" scratch what I said about not being used to having a parental figure Lee acts like an overprotective helicopter parent (when he's not dropping kids off roofs).

"Whatever we are here now aren't we" Leo tried to break up the conversation but failed to realize Lee's only impression of him was "that guy that blew up new Rome who also dating Nico" so yeah he doesn't have the best reputation.

Lee seemed to just brush off the conversation and walked away. I turned to sally "sorry miss Jackson I should have told you there's six of us" I said

"no worries we'll just have to move a few things around is all" she had a slight nervous tone in her voice but I would too if I was harbouring six more demigods then usual in a apartment made for four people at most, not to mention that Percy was also down from university and brought annabeth so basically the Jacksons apartment was a monster buffet.

For the sleeping arrangements Lee, Anathea, Sara and Nyx were kinda just set up to sleep around the living room with a bunch of blankets and throw pillows.

Percy and annabeth got percys room which had a bunk bed which he usually shared with his sister ever since Estelle stole the other room but Charlie said

"I don't wanna be here with you guys" so she left to go sleep at a friends house and lucky for me percy and Leo were kinda friends from when they were on the Argo 2 together so he volunteered to let Leo take the other bunk bed spot and I didn't really mind getting to sleep in an actual bed instead of on the floor

Lee however minded very much and made that very clear "Nico!" He said with a look on his face that I'd seen one to many times growing up it meant "hallway now"

I'd say a good 90% of the time Lee is the nicest happy ray of sunshine that most people know him as the other 10% of the time he's what some people would call a drama queen. Never the less I walked into the hallway after him and shut the door, as I walked out I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

"Lee-" I tried to start

"I'm not- okay I'm a little mad what going on with you you've been different lately" he said

"What is this even about" I asked

"You! You're acting different getting into fights and being reckless" he said in the same tone I'd heard a lot when I was younger did which finally made sense

"I'm not 12 anymore Lee" I tried to sound calm "I know that" he scoffed

"Do you because you're treating me like a child and yeah I changed a little in the past five years I don't need you to baby me" we went back and forth for a few minutes until one of the neighbors poked their head into the hallway and told us to

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