Road trip pt1

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The photo at the top is fan art from Izzy/🐝

Nicola's POV

"Please sir I know it's a lot of money but me and jasper have been working over time lately and the sales this year with the strawberries are really good and you of all people should understand why if we do not get these supplies it could lead to so many casualties" I said well trying to convince myself it wasn't lying it was bending the truth I mean it's true that we need those supplies and in a was without then it could lead to casualties but that's a worst case scenario but I did it anyway I actually lied to Chiron and he bought it we got our 8k $ for a road trip to get our supplies. But there was one condition

"Uhhhhh a trainee" jasper complained I tried to make him feel better by saying "at least we get to chose" he sighed and fell dramatically onto the infirmary bed next to him before saying " so you're saying you get to bring your boyfriend on a the trip and what company do I get A TRANEE?" "You and Leo are friends tho and that's not why I bringing him" "if not that then why are you bringing him" I didn't have an answer I just changed the subject instead "so who do you wanna bring"I asked "more like who can I deal with for 2 weeks and why can't mads come" "cause I need someone I trust to lead the cabin and mads is good". We kept going trough all the young kids at camp and seeing who we'd wanna bring we agreed we wanted them to be 14 or older that way they are less likely to tattle on us if we go off route.

"Lincoln!" Chiron sounded surprised and mr d almost spat out his Diet Coke. "Yes we think it would be a great opportunity for him to learn some responsibility in a non stressful environment" I explained we decided on Linc because he's old enough he won't tattletale but young enough we can trick him into doing stuff we don't wanna do like laundry. Before he Chiron handed me the envelope with 8k Mr.D asked me to explain why we needed so much so I went over each thing again "well approximately 100$ x 10 because there's a few days we don't need a hotel is 1000 and to go almost 4K kilomet-" "Ok yeah yeah whatever just take it" mr d said I could have made up fancy numbers and he'd believe me but I wasn't lying I calculated every dollar which came out to 7k almost exactly the exact 1k was Jasper and Leo so technically I never lied.

After we got the envelope I put it in my wallet that I keep in sight at all times to make sure it was sake and put I paper + pen to be able to mark down exactly what we spent it on. Me jasper and Leo already had our bags packed so we just had to get Lincoln I went over to get him and his bags well the other 2 started packing the camp van I also wanted to make sure Mads was ok being in change for 2 weeks. "Ok just know that you can iris message me at anytime if you need anything ok" "ok ok Nico I get it trust me it's fine I have will and Kayla to help me too dissipate what we tell people our siblings aren't that bad"Mads said no matter how much I'm reassured I will overthink about it and panic it's my job as head councler. I helped Linc pack up his stuff for the trip and told him to go bring it to the van and that I'd meet him there soon.

I said bye to everyone in the cabin then headed to van to help pack up but on the way I ran into Phee
"You excited for ur 2 week trip with you know who" she nudge me "sure Phee whatever makes you happy dream about us having a picnic underage stars or whatever" I said teasing them " hey you came up with that one not me" "Bye Phee I'll see you in 2 weeks" with that I walked back to the van they were all done packing and soon we all go into the the can and we're off. Jasper took the first shift driving and I was in the passenger seat behind me was Linc and behind Jasper was Leo. The second we got onto the main road and off camp property Jasper exclaimed "LETS GO BOYS TRIP" the first few hours were fun we were signing to the playlists we (me and jasper) made, we were playing road games, planning were we wanted to stop,etc. Our first stop was only an hour and a half drive to Philadelphia to stop for lunch because why go to Philadelphia if you're not gonna have Philly cheese steaks.

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