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A/N yeah fair warning I was listening to Mitski more specifically liquid smooth well writing this and I think it's pretty obvious

"And now that I'm grown I'm scared of ghost memories feel like weapons" -Taylor swift I just love that quote so good isn't guys

Leilanis POV

You know I already thought being the new kid at camp was weird but being sent on a quest to die and everything that's happened these past few weeks is even weirder. Like meeting a literal GOD yeah don't think that one was on my calendar.

But what was worse is now we are lost in the underworld looking for Lincoln and most of us are on the brink of passing out or just can't use our powers much. I looked around hoping to see anything that made sense maybe a path or Lincoln or Bea or I'll even take finding fucking Luke at at this point just anything but there was nothing besides silence and rocks.

Silence to me recently has never meant anything good and this was no exception I looked into the distance and saw something. I started walking towards it and I almost could make out what it was when someone grabbed my arm. I looked back it was jasper "don't go alone" he said. He called for the rest of the group to come with and as we walked towards it I started to make out what it was.

I turned back to tell them what I saw but realized no one was there I got really confused "guys where did you go!" I asked but no one replied.

I started to feel like I couldn't breathe everything around me went dark and I started panicking I felt like I was going insane.

I started crying I couldn't even tell you why I was terrified everyone just disappeared I was alone I fell to the ground and put my head between my legs well covering my ears then a few seconds later everything went quiet.

I jumped and screamed when I felt a hand on my shoulder then realized it was Audrey "Woah Leilani what happened" he asked "i.. I don't know you all disappeared" I answered I scanned all their faces and they looked just as confused as me "we didn't disappear you just started walking away then stopped and fell to the ground" he said I was trying to rationalize what was happening but got cut off when a light appeared in the distance again.

I backed up not wanting whatever happened to happen again "Leilani take a breath it's okay" Audrey said. Maddy and Janvi started walking towards the light well Jasper and Audrey stayed with me.

A few minutes later something came running towards us as it got closer we saw it was Lincoln "at least he's alive" Jasper said.

Lincoln feel to his knees and started crying Jasper and Audrey ran over to see what was wrong. I walked over too scared he'd seen what I saw. "It's Bea she's in some Chaos bubble or something I couldn't get to them" he said.

"Oh gods of corse" Jasper said we all looked at him confused "Beas a Dionysus kid Chaos their mind is probably trying to protest them from something and anyone who gets close we'll loses it" he explained.

"How'd you know did this happen before" I asked "kinda sometimes when Beas upset it's hard to get near them without feeling like your going crazy like a defence mechanism" he added.

"Oh crap Janvis and Maddy" Audrey yelled then ran towards where they'd gone. Jasper got up and turned to me and Lincoln "stay here we'll be back" he yelled, yeah I agree I'll stay here thank you very much.

"What happened to you" I asked turning to Lincoln "I don't know I saw a light went towards it then a few seconds later was here" he said

We sat waiting for the others to come back out of whatever was happening but after a while they never did. I got up and started walking towards the light again but Lincoln grabbed my arm "Don't please" he said "We can't just leave them" I argued then kept walking.

As I got closer I kept repeating it's just Bea it's just an illusion. Again the closer I got everything around me faded away and It was so quiet I could hear my heart beating. The farther I walked the harder it was to keep going but I protested.

Then everything went back to how it was like I'd never entered the field of chaos Bea was outputting.

The weird feeling I got when the sounds of the underworld brought me comfort made me feel sick. Was this what poets meant by the sweet comfort of death.

I looked around and was so happy to see my siblings were all there except for Lincoln who had decided to stay behind that excitement quickly faded most of them were either Frozen still or were on the ground like how I was when I approached Bea the first time. I walked up to Janvi who was on the ground crying I tried to touch her shoulder but when I did I started to see what she was seeing.

It was a memory or a bunch of memories the longer I stayed the more I realized every memory was a time She was forgotten or pushed aside. The one that played the strongest for her was a recent one maybe a few months ago at most when a bunch of patients came in and everyone made her treat the easy cases.

I let go of her shoulder I was still confused on what was going on so I walked up to Audrey and tried to get his attention but he was standing frozen with tears falling down his face I grabbed his hand and prepared myself I think I started to understand what was happening.

Bea was bending our sense of reality and showing us each either our worst fears or her magic was taking something we loved and turning it against us using our own mind. If this was a battle it would be a great strategy definitely would drive your enemies insane but I don't think Bea knew what their powers were doing.

Janvis memories were a little more phycological well Audrey's were more Physical every memory of his was a time he'd gotten burned starting when he was younger till the time Thalia killed him. I wasn't there any of the times but a few people including him joke around about how Audrey has been light on fire more then twice and it was true. I let go of his hand not wanting to see anymore of those memories.

I then walked over to Jasper I wanted to know what each of my siblings was going thought even if it hurt me so I put my hand on his shoulder. There was only a few memories circling over and over again for Jasper the most important one seeming to be from just a little while ago when he lashed out at Audrey. All of his memories were times he'd hurt the people he loved.

I let go of his but honestly if I had to chose which one of them I'd wanna deal with their chaos memories I'd chose Jaspers.

The only one left was Maddy I grabbed her hand and hers was the most confusing it didn't seem to have a specific theme it was more just overall things that bothered her, times she'd gotten pushed aside, huge injuries, hurting people all of it. I let go of Maddy and was still standing only I was really present.

I looked over to Bea who was standing a little off to the side I walked over to her and grabbed her hand and the same thing happened as with the others but Beas memories were in third person or at least not from their own perspective.

It was them as a baby I watched as a women she looked familiar left Bea and told someone who I couldn't see "it's for the best" then soon a boy around the age of 10 he what blond hair and also seemed familiar he took Bea into a house and as he carried her in I saw the name on the mailbox "Castellan" this guy was Luke.

Trough the memories I understood Bea wasn't actually Luke's sibling instead she was the child of Ariadne and Dionysus. That how she's been surviving all these things.

I let go and saw Bea was "awake" as well now they looked around at what their powers did "sorry" she said then turned them off. Everyone else slowly got up and soon realized sort of what was happening.

A/N don't hate me to much. Idk if it's symbolic, metaphorical, ironic or sad that all the Apollo kids are in the underworld and just casually walk towards the firsts light we see

Also I was going to call this chapter Memonto mermori- Will wood and if you listen to it you'll understand why.

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