Beach day pt.2

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P.S this is all in good fun Ella helped me write this I don't hate her (or do I 👹)

"Do I even want to know" I asked turning to face my sister

"Definitely not" she replied, I scanned her face she was wearing her normal camp clothes how hadn't I noticed she wasn't at the lake with the rest of us. "Let's talk about this somewhere else" I said trying to tell her Jason was here. We walked off and Sara seemed more and more frantic like she was trying to keep a big secret.

"Out with it" I said "I may or may not have set the Ares cabin on fire" Sara said almost to fast for me to understand

"YOU WHAT!" I screamed "sorry" was all she said in reply "it's okay it's okay Uhh let's deal with THAT first then deal with you" I was trying to seem calm which is very hard in a situation like this. I ran back to the lake and grabbed Izzy pulling them towards the forest.

"Uhh excuse me mind explaining why you're dragging me away" Izzy complained

"Look I know you're friends with Jalen and she kinda hates my guts right now but the Ares cabin is on fire and I don't know what to do" I explained, Izzy just looked behind me "was it S-" "yup" I cut them off.

"Fine but you owe me. Big time!" She said marching towards the cabins "yes sure whatever just please put it out before it spreads and all of camp burns down"

"Or before someone finds out" Sara added

"Look I'm gonna try and say this nicely but if you want to live to see tomorrow shut ur mouth and don't talk to anyone" I told her, I didn't want to be mean but she was kinda digging her own grave.

We ran over as quickly as possible and Izzy tried to use her powers to get out as much of the flames as possible but she was starting to get tired.

"What you guys up to" I turned to see Bea I just pointed at the cabin which was only half on fire now. "Oh yeah you messed up this time" they said

"I'm aware can you go get Percy or Charlie or Amilia or anyone!" I tried not to yell Bea agreed and soon came back with two other people

"You couldn't of gotten anyone else" I asked as Ella stormed past me I thought she was heading into her cabin to maybe try and save some things but I turned and saw her heading for Sara

"Ella leave her alone" I heard Izzy yelled from behind me which surprised me I turned to face her direction and saw why she said that, Chiron was a few feet away with a not so happy look on his face.

"You three my office Immediately!" He didn't even have to say who.

I walked over and helped Sara up before walking to the big house "you okay" I asked "yeah don't think I broke anything so I'm good" she replied.

We walked into Chirons office and there was a good few seconds of silence before Ella tried to talk.

"No you all are going to sit here for a minute we'll I figure out the proper approach to this" Chiron said his voice angrier then is ever heard it and I've heard him angry quite a few to many times. We sat in silence for a while until the doors opened and Jason walked in.

"Could you return at a later time I do not think it's a good time for us to discuss whatever you may need to discuss at the moment" Chiron said

"Actually I think it's the only time to discuss it" he replied which made me really anxious if he was about to bring up what I think he was. I could feel my heart rate rise as I waited for him to just say whatever he came here to say.

"The reason I came here was because we were informed that Camp half blood took in a former resident of camp Jupiter and I came to check to make sure she was getting along here well" Jason said

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