Me (wow that got dark)

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⬆️ capture the flag official rules ⬆️
Nicola's POV

I was sitting on the porch of cabin 9 helping Leo and Charlie test some new armour they made to see if it's was "stab proof" and I was the dummy who got sucked into helping them. I didn't mind and as a payment Harley took my radio and was going to resolder some things to make the sounds better. We were also just hanging out before camp activities started and telling Charlie about the whole Lincoln and Harley situation that happened because that day Charlie was running a different activity and no one caught him up. We looked over and saw Harley was headed back towards us but had to pass Lincoln who was kicking around rocks he kicked one right in Harleys path which made the poor kid fall right on his face then Lincoln laughed and said something I couldn't quite hear.

Harley got up and angrily stormed towards his cabin as he passed me he said "I hate your brother" "Me too wait which one are we talki-" then he slammed the cabin door. Charlie went in to I guess deal with that and I quickly got up and without taking off the Armor walked over to Lincoln "dude knock it off and leave Harley alone" I told him before going back to cabin nines porch to be the stab dummy for Leo. Later in the day we had unarmed combat which was really just Chiron deciding the teams for capture the flag tomorrow. I was happy my sparing partner was Leo not only happy because he's my boyfriend but also when you fight someone who knows all ur strengths and weaknesses and you know all of theirs it's an actually interesting fight because you have to work twice as hard to beat them.

After unarmed combat I went and had lunch with Mads and Nyx , Jasper had to go finish something and was going to come sit with us later in lunch. I found it weird when he didn't show up for lunch but tought nothing of it he probably got caught up helping someone or got distracted. So I just went on with the day. I was helping get my campers set up at arts and crafts and Jasper finally decided to join as he walked up he looked nervous. "Don't be mad" he said "not the best way to start a conversation what happened" I said "You know how you told Linc to stop annoying Harley?". "Watch them" I said well gesturing to our cabin and I went to go find Lincoln. There's only 3 places he could have been either the cabin, the big house or the infirmary closet. I had hope that he was smart and didn't hide in the most obvious of tthe 3 but of corse I was wrong I checked the cabin and nothing then I went to the big house still no so I went to check the infirmary. I was pissed off at this point not only because he made me walk all around camp but also because he blatantly ignored me this morning.

I stormed into the infirmary and walked towards to supply closet ignoring anyone who was trying to get my attention. I stoped at the closets door to prepare myself then reached for the door handle. I opened th door and there was Linc sitting comfortably reading or doing whatever he was doing. He looked so peaceful until he saw me and he jumped a little knowing he did something wrong. "You don't have a shift right now" he said trying to be funny "Jasper told me what you did" I said trying to keep my calm "I-I'm sorry" he tried to say "I told you this morning to stop harassing Harley give him a break" I waited for his response and he sighed "oh that's what he told you I tought you were mad about the rad-" he caught himself before finishing his sentence. I was livid "what about my radio" I didn't give him time to respond I wanted to punch him or kill him instead I took a breath turned around and walked away.

I stormed out of the infirmary slamming the door behind me and froze that radio was the first thing I'd ever built that actually worked it sounded stupid it's just a radio it didn't even have a case it was literally a hunk of metal but it meant a lot to me. I didn't know what to do I couldn't go back to my cabin to many people, I couldn't joined my group at arts and crafts they'd ask what happened I tought for a second then pulled a crumbled up schedule out of my pocket. Hephaestus cabin has free time right now so I walked over trying to hold back my tears on the way. I could hear my heart beating in my ears and could feel the tears pooling in my eyes. I walked up the wood steps embarrassed am I that sappy that when I'm sad I immediately run to my boyfriend yes I do. I knocked on the door and Charlie opened it "hel- Nico you ok" he said "he broke it" I said I couldn't hold back my tears anymore.

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