Weve been here before- harry styles

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Mads POV

Today actually went better then expected until the end but still it was nice Linc set up a blanket and pillow fort in the cabin and put on Hamilton for us all to watch.

At the end though he stood up and I chuckled a bit when I heard Kayla next to me shout "oh no what now" Lincoln replied a little angry at her comment "well if you'd let me talk I'd tell you" he paused for a second then continued talking

"I already talked to Chiron and he said yes so I wanted to tell you guys before he announced it, at the end of the week we are going to be having a chariot race" he stool there waiting for a response or even a reaction.

I looked around no one was saying anything then Janvi spoke up "A what?" She asked  I'm not sure if she actually didn't know or was just trying to break the silence. I explained it to her "it's basically a race in the sky with chariots camp used to have them regularly but to my kids died so it wasn't worth it"

"Oh" she said which basically summed up everyone's reaction. "This time there's a few rules well more then before" Linc said "like what" I asked he just told me to wait for when Chiron announced it so I did.

The next day I got up and went to the infirmary to start my shift. First thing I did was I checked up on the patients that were already admitted. I went to Jaspers room and checked his head.

"You should be good to be discharged by tomorrow if nothing else comes up" I told him which he seemed ecstatic about his neighbour however did not seem happy about that as he threw a pillow at the curtain wall.

"Well maybe if you'd actually rest we'd consider discharging you" I yelled and all I got in response was I heard a groan like the groan you make when your teacher assigns homework for the holidays, which made me and Jasper laugh.

Afterwards I went to the waiting room to treat people there was three people sitting there "what happened" I asked they all looked over to me "she started it" EJ said pointing at Jalen "not my fault" she argued

"Stop arguing like five year olds just tell me what happened" I said "we were playing catch and I threw the ball a little to hard which knocked EJ out of a tree" Jalen explained

"Okay so why was EJ in a tree in the first place and why is Katie here" I asked "I was catching the ball in the tree and when I fell I fell onto Katie well mostly her leg" EJ explained of corse because that's how you should play catch I thought instead I asked

"Okay so who's injured and what's injured" thankfully the only injury was Katie's broken leg which was easy to heal and EJ just had a sore stomach from falling on Katie but it wasn't an actual injury so it was fine.

I only had the morning shift so after lunch I was free of corse right after lunch was when Chiron called a camp wide meeting to tell us about what chariot race. Once he'd gotten everyone or mostly everyone's attention he started to explain.

"As some of you may have heard this week we will be hosting a chariot race now the usual rules are as follows ;The track is a quarter-mile in length. Complete two laps first to win. Two horses per chariot. Each team will consist of a driver and a fighter. Weapons are allowed(however are discouraged) Dirty tricks are allowed. Killing or sever injury will result in "harsh" punishment (no s'mores for a week at the campfire)." He handed out a stack of papers with the rules one paper per cabin then continued explaining.

"These races in the past have resulted in.. casualties however this time we are hoping to avoid said casualties and have a fair, fun and safe race." He seemed a little nervous near the end of the speech I wasn't here the last time there was a race but apparently it didn't end to well.

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