Anotherone bites the dust

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Lincoln's POV

"Prepare the shroud" we all turned to see Nicola standing there "actually right now you three need to go I don't care where just you can't be here you're children you shouldn't be dealing with this" he said Mads started to walk to the door "I have a shift" I said "I'll cover it and both of you" he said looking at us "don't tell anyone especially any Apollo kid let them have one last good night" I nodded then walked back to the cabin with Mads

"Is there like some curse on the head councillors for the Apollo cabin or something why do they always die" I asked out loud "really Lincoln Bee just died and you're already joking about it" Mads said she sounded mad.

The next morning I woke up late it was weird normally Jasper and Nicola don't let us sleep in at all but today was different. I got up and headed for the front door but was blocked by Jasper "No ones leaving" he said "we really have to do this now?" "No after breakfast" he answered "last mean how fitting" I joked he did not seem happy with my comment so I just turned around and went back to my bunk.

A few minutes later we all went down to breakfast it sucked keeping this a secret also sucked knowing if anyone asked where Bella was the truth would come out.

After breakfast I helped Nicola and Jasper get everyone back to the cabin so we could ruin their day. It was pretty easy because it's not summer there was only eight of us including me and the head councillors and four of us already knew. Nico asked me to bring Janvi out onto the porch she was the youngest and probably wanted to tell her separately from the older kids. "Want me to tell her you can stay here and deal with them" I gestured mainly to Will. "If you can handle it yes but just.. be nice" he said then I walked out to the porch with Janvi.

Janvi was sitting on the porch swing I tried to think of even how to tell her what do you even say "heyy so your older sister is dead but she was also my older sister and yeah" I remembered the thing we got told when we had to inform our first death in the infirmary the four Ls

First is location which was done I'd brought Janvi to a nice place alone to tell her next was one of the worse language or actually telling the person it's a little different when it's your sibling. When it's just a random patient you just say what happened give a comforting pat on the shoulder and leave but when it's your little sister it's just a lot harder. And to make it even worse Janvi was finally recovering from Felix dying. "Do you remember that one time Bea and Adi found out how old Bella was and started calling her grandma" I was trying to start the conversation with something nice

"No I don't think I was at camp yet" "oh yeah you're still new" well great "what's happening in there and why am I sent out here" she asked I froze can't really stall much longer. Then the door opened "you guys ok" Jasper asked "yeah jus-" "come back in we wanna walk to you about something Janvi" he said cutting me off. She walked in first and I pulled Jasper aside "I didn't tell her yet"I said "we know you couldn't we just needed to tell the others first" great I was the distraction.

Will walked past almost breaking the door as he walked out I just went to my bunk I don't think we are going to be doing any camp activities today.

After dinner we all headed to the amphitheater for the funeral Chiron, Nicola and Jasper told all the other campers and had gotten everything ready. It was really quiet besides the occasional crying. Nicola went up once it was time and light the gold shroud on fire then tried to say a speach but halfway through starting sobbing Phee and Leo want up and brought him back to his seat. "Maybe she'll pull a Percy and show up at her own funeral" I whispered to Bea "I wish" they said.

After the I was walking to my cabin when I saw Ella shove EJ and yell "this is your fault" I walked over to see what was going on "how is it my fault this could have happened to anyone" EJ was trying to defend themselves"what kind of idiots practice with poison arrows in the woods" Ella said "Okay maybe it wasn't the best idea but we've all done dumb shit before" EJ was on the verge of tears they already felt like this was partly their fault Ella wasn't helping.

"Ella knock it off it's not her fault" I said walking over "oh you're one to ta-" she was cut off by Chiron "Ella is this the proper place, time or way to deal with this" "No bu-" "then leave" so she did. Funerals always bring out the worst in people. I looked over to EJ who was crying Chiron helped them up and started to walk then back to their cabin.

Later that night there was still the usual campfire and I decided to go it was pretty sad Jasper and Will were trying to play happier upbeat songs to bring up the mood but it wasn't really working most people just kind of stayed quiet or halfassed sung along to not make them feel bad. Also there was barely anyone there maybe 15 people.

I just sat near the fire and Bea came over to join me "don't fall in again" I joked and they punched me in the arm "I'm not even drunk think time" she said "doesn't mean you won't fall into the fire".  We joked for a while which got us weird looks from people you know the "your sister just died and your joking about someone falling into a fire" type of look but I didn't care.

After a while the campfire died down and it was only the Apollo kids and a few others left I was eavesdropping in on my siblings conversation they were telling stories about Bella

"One night we'd all been working are we were starving so she went to where we keep the foods for when a patient is low or can't really eat much and stole jello cups for all of us and they feel all over the floor she tried to use one of those blue hospital pads to clean it up but it just made it worse spread it everywhere" Nicola laughed a little after telling the story then went back to crying

"Oh my gods Lee almost killed her for that" Clarrise laughed everyone went quiet the mention of Lee probably wasn't the best thing right now most of the campers here had never even met him or barely knew him and the others it was a sensitive topic.

I chimed in "did we ever tell her about the whole Harley thing" "nope and thank the gods for that" Jasper said

"Well it's pretty late we should all go try and get some sleep" Jasper said standing up "You too Linc" "Fine" I said getting up. As I got up I joked to Bea one last time "Nows your last change to fall into the fire" "yeah no thanks I already look like my brother don't need to be dead like him" she said.

Once we got back to the cabin I looked over to Bella's bunk it was mostly empty because she was barley here but still had some of her stuff "Who's bunk was that before Bella?" I asked "Michaels" Nico said "and before him was Lee's"

"Maybe it's not the head councillor title that's cursed maybe it's that bunk" I joked "yeah I hope so for my and Jaspers sake" he said then went to his bunk to sleep.

The next day I got to sleep in again and then because of the funeral and the fact that it's the middle of winter the schedule was a loose suggestion so I went to hang out with Izzy she was sitting on the lake doc

"So what's up" I said which startled them a bit "Oh hey Linc I just came to the lake to clear my head" she said "How cliched you a Poseidon kid going to the water to clear their mind" "yeah but you're a walking Apollo kid stereotype too Mr. I'm just to good at archery"

"Well clearly I'm not that good because I keep getting shot with arrows" I said "Oh yeah this was your first arrow related injury of the new year is there like a prize for that"

"The only prize I got was a sore leg and a dead sister" I said then Izzys turned back to the lake "sorry" I didn't mean to make them sad again

"It's fine she's your sister you should be the one curled in a ball sad not me" "I'm just dealing with it different or I'm in denial I'll let you know when I find out which one it is" that made her chuckle.

"The lake is frozen over why sit here being all sad when we could be ice skating" I grabbed izzys arm pulling them up "come on" I said trying to get them to stand up "Fine but only because I know you're not going to leave me alone"

A/N happy now I tried to make it less sad kinda :)

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