Am i a zombie?

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A/n ^^ that's the first paragraph of said essay (you'll see why later)

Nicola's POV

The last thing I remember was deciding to make a run for it when Thalia put her hand on the ground now in theory that sounds like a good idea in practice however running full speed towards lighting probably not one of my proudest moments.

The next thing I knew I was waking up my whole body felt like it was on fire and like I was cold at the same time my vision was burly and my head was pounding. I could feel someone's hand on my shoulder and muffed voices. My mind was racing thinking a million things at once which didn't help my headache. There was one thought that was the loudest

Am I dying

A wave of panic hit me I say up and as my vision focused I saw the burns on my arms and legs it freaked me out even more I started to feel like I couldn't breath and like the room was crowded I knew I was having a panic attack but couldn't stop it. I saw two people around me I was in to much of a panic to see who it was so I started throwing anything I could reach at them and started yelling

"GET AWAY FROM ME" I looked around for a few seconds letting my eyes focused and I saw who was in the room with me Lincoln and Leo. I was burnt from head to toe I didn't want him to see me like this so I grabbed my pillow and threw it at Leo screaming  "GET OUT GET OUT I DONT WANT TO SEE YOU" Jasper came running in, him and Lincoln had to drag Leo out.

Then I was alone I started to cry once the adrenaline started to leave my body and once I started i felt like I would never stop the tears burnt as they went down my face only making me cry more.

I thought salt water was supposed to help heal wounds not make them worse I mean I guess that doesn't really work for fresh burns.

I put my head between my legs and just kept crying a while later Jasper came back in with my iPod and headphones "I know music helps you" he said "thanks" I grabbed them and put one earbud in so I could still hear what was going on around me.

After a few minutes Jasper spoke up again "If I let Leo come see you are you gonna throw a scalpel at him again" I laughed "No but I'll probably cry again" I replied "when do you not cry" Jasper asked I just shrugged. "Imma go get him" he said getting up "wait" I said he looked back to me "what If he thinks I'm ugly now"

"I don't think Leo can really judge people for being ugly" he joked so I threw a pillow at him "hey that's not nice" I tried to say though the laughter.

I couple minutes later I heard the infirmary doors open then I heard running then I heard a tray fall and a quick sorry then running again, then Leo came running almost pulling down the curtain to my room I was laughing.

"Oh what's so funny" he asked "you" I said. He walked over pretending to be mad and tried to put his hands on my face but I flinched backwards not wanting him to touch my burns.

"Wha- Nico are you scared of me" I froze when he asked that thinking back I would have wanted to say No, Never, no i just have crush burns on my face or literally anything but I was frozen in fear.

My own boyfriend thinks I'm scared of him. I started crying again and he just scoffed and walked out. Jasper came running in "what happened are you okay" he asked I tried to explain but I couldn't get my words together. He just sat with me wiping my tears so they wouldn't fall on my burns.

"He asked if I was scared of him" I finally said once I'd calmed down Jasper knew I wasn't scared of Leo "and what did you say" he asked "nothing" I told him "I'll deal with it" he said getting up I didn't question him.

Right as he was leaving the room he turned back and said "a few campers wanna visit you if your up for it" I nodded I needed a distraction.

First Adi came running in excited "what's up adidas" I asked giving her a hug "ok I'm so happy your not dead and well you were out I got a new little sister" she gestured to the girl standing next to her "I can see that Hi my names Nicola head Apollo councillor" I said reaching out my hand "Hi I'm Phades or Phea for short" they said shaking my hand. She kinda looked me up and down and has a "what happened to that guy" look oh her face.

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