Alrigth who adpoted that

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Mads POV

Everything was going pretty ok today I mean it's only breakfast but still no accidents no injuries no whatever else happens at this place but it was actually a pretty nice day I was eating my breakfast and talking to Jasper and Nicola about what activities we had today. Halfway trough breakfast Bella came over with our newest sister Janvi and sat next across from me at the table. She looked nervous so we tried to reassure her that everything was fine and tell her our schedule for the day sometimes having a schedule for what's next helps people feel like they have a little control in their lives.

Later in the day we had to practice our tracking skills  as an activity we got paired with the Dionysus cabin and split into pairs. How this works is Chiron or someone goes and puts fake tracks in the forest that leads to a cardboard monster and the first pair to find it get a prize. We don't get to know what monster we are looking for thats apparently "the fun part" Chiron says. Chiron read calling up people for their groups he got down to the last 4 Will and Lincoln, Nick and Kayla, Janvi and Bea and last Jasper and me. Once we were in our groups we were sent off to find clues and find the "monster". We followed the footprints in the dirt until Jasper said "they are trying to trick us they put hellhound footprints here when the monster we are supposed to find is a Minotaur" he sounded so proud to figure that out. I walked over to see what he was looking at "those look really well made this time" I said. But we continued our activity as we searched for the monster we ran into some other groups who were all convinced we were looking fir different monsters.

Eventually we got deep into the forest and found the cardboard Minotaur "we were right" I said as I high fived Jasper. On the ground next to the Minotaur was a bell to ring to signal you found it .we rung it and after a couple more minutes most of the groups came over to us including Chiron with our prize it was a small plastic card with "get out of bathroom cleaning duty" on it honestly not the worse prize ever. We still had about 20 minutes before we went to arts and crafts so we all just kind of hung out. Audrey and Bella did a head count to make sure all the campers were here then Bella went to talk to Chiron and Nicola came and sat next to me "have you seen Janvi or Bea" he asked trying to wishper.I shook my head no they'd probably gone back to the cabin or are still in the woods somewhere I tought.

On our way to arts and crafts clarrise came over and pulled Nick and Bella to the side for a few minutes. Afterwards Bella told us we all needed to go to the big house and that arts and crafts was canceled but didn't say why. I realized I left my water bottle in the cabin so I asked Nick if I could go get it he told me to get with clarrisse and to come come back as soon as possible. Clarrise walked me to my cabin then jokingly said "I think you know how to get back to the big house ?" "Yea" I responded as I opened the cabin door. Once I closed the door I looked up and saw Janvi trying to hide something with a sheet behind her "what's that" I asked "nothing just a-uh" she didn't get to finish her sentence before a hellhound threw off the sheet from it's face and growled in pain. I picked up a bow that had been left on the ground and aimed it at the things face just as I did the cabin door swung open.

It was just Bea if it was Bella or Nicola we'd be in huge trouble I wasn't even a part of this and I'd probably have to sleep on the porch. Bea yelled at me to put down the bow which I did but not before asking her why there as a HELLHOUND in our cabin "he was injured so we are trying to heal him and his name is Nero" Janvi said petting it. "Well Nero need to leave before he kills us all" she didn't seem to happy with my remark. Bea went over and started to clean out the monsters wound eventually she ran out of supplies and told me to not kill it and to please not get the counsellors. I felt like if I moved Janvi would have Nero bite my head off so I stay put. A few minutes later the door of the cabin came swinging open and Nicola ran inside yelling "THERES A HELlhoun-" he look shocked I mean there's a hellhound in our cabin so understandable. "What the fuck is that thing doing in our cabin" he didn't sound angry just disappointed.

Bea came in about a minute later with infirmary supplies in hand but she froze in the doorway when she sat Nicola standing there. "So I see you've met Nero" Bea was trying to be funny but Nick was not having it. "Are you all aware camp is on lockdown right now because of this thing" he snapped "Nero" Janvi whispered which won her a glance from all of us. Bea went over and continued to heal the monster well Janvi asked Nick and me to come over to her so she could explain. She told us that during the tracking activity her and Bea found the hellhound injured and wanted to help it so they brought it back to the cabin and we're gonna nurse it back to Heath without us finding out. Bea chimed in to say how it's already approved by her dad so there was nothing to worry about which seemed to have gotten Nick on their side so I went with it.

"You guys need anything else to help I-Nero" I asked they both nodded no. Nicola left to go call off the lockdown and to get everyone back to the activities. I stayed and helped heal some of the small cuts and splinters so that Bea could bring Nero back to her cabin. After we healed as much as we could on Nero Janvi came over with a diy collar she made with a round name tags that on one side said "NERO" in all caps and on the other side said "if lost return to cabin 12". We stay in the cabin for a little while before bringing Nero to Beas cabin to be sure the lockdown was over and that no one would attack Nero if we tried to move him". Bea and Janvi made me go ahead of them to clear the way which basically meant a walk of shame as everyone else around stared as I walked this beast to cabin 12. But it was worth it Nero has a good home now with Bea but I told her next time she or Janvi decides to adopt a hellhound or any other mythical monster to either tell us or keep it in your own cabin.

A/n 🔫y'all better comment some funny shit or else

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