Percy jackson and the olympians remastered

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Jaspers art ^^
Janvis POV

I stood up and looked around everything was kind of hazy and I felt an erie feeling in my gut "where am I" I thought the place looked like.. Hell literally it was dark and cold but somehow hot at the same time. It looked like a cave of sorts but more red then rocky and it smelt burnt like burning plastic or like if you accidentally burnt you mac and cheese it made me uncomfortable.

I walked around for a bit trying to find anything and eventually I saw someone familiar in the distance

"BEA!" I shouted but they didn't hear me or couldn't? I got closer and saw she was standing still as if she was trying to focus on something. "Bea are you oka-" I tried to ask and put my hand on their shoulder right as I did someone appeared behind us I jumped and turned to see who it was normally I'd reach for my knife, bow, sword anything but I was in my pyjamas I didn't have any weapons so I put my fists up but before I started swinging I wanted to see who it was.

I looked up and saw a boy he looked to be around 23 he looked almost familiar like if I heard his name I'd know who he was but I'd never met him before he was around 6 ft tall had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes but they looked almost gold? If you looked to closely. I thought for a second about all the people the older campers told me about.

I almost mistakes him for Lee Fletcher but quickly realized my mistake after noticing the giants scare he had from his eye to almost his mouth a matching scar to Bea. I'd only heard of Lee from a few stories Nicola didn't really like talking about him and most people at camp didn't either it was a touchy subject.

"Luke?" I asked id also only heard of him from people at camp he was less of a sadness provoking subject and more of a "if you bring that bastard up again I'll punch you" kinda subject as said very clearly by clarrise.

"You brought another to join our cause" Luke asked Bea even the sound of his voice and the way he talked made me feel sick. Bea turned to see what he was talking about and the look of fear on her face made me scared "Janvi run don't tell anyone but please you need to get out of here" by the end of her sentence everything started to fade to black.

Think I woke up I shot up in my bed hyperventilating I was so scared I didn't know where I was and the dream felt so real I jumped again when I heard footsteps but relaxed realizing it was just Nicola

"Are you okay" he asked I thought of what Bea said in my dream don't tell anyone but it was just a dream so it didn't matter anyway "yeah just a bad dream" I said he nodded and was about it then to go back to his bunk

"Wait" I said "Luke's dead right" I asked I wanted to be sure but his reaction wasn't very claiming he didn't reply for a few seconds I could almost feel the fear off him "yes he's where he belongs deep in Tartarus" he sounded like he was trying to convince himself too then he went back to his bunk. The word Tartarus kept ringing in my head I felt a wave of fear when I realized that's where my dream was I kept telling myself it was just a dream it was just a dream but it felt so real.

I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't I decided the only way to calm myself was to talk to the only person who's actually talk to me about this. A few minutes later after a very stressful sneak out of the cabin I found myself at the doors of cabin 12 "BEA" I yelled knocking on the door. They answered soon after

"Aren't you supposed to be asleep" they said "aren't you?" I said back "fine what do you want" they asked.

"Can you tell me about Luke" I asked nervously I looked at them waiting for an answer but her face was just puzzled like they were trying to figure out what to do. Eventually they let me into the cabin and I told them all about the dream I had.

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