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Lincoln's POV

I woke up to Nicola slamming a letter down next to my head before saying "Phee's giving out mail and someone actually wrote you something" he chuckled and walked back to his bunk to get ready for the day. I sat up in my bunk and picked up the letter it looked normal it was just a plain white envelope with my name written on the back. I opened it and it read;

Nicola yelled from his bunk "who's it from linc" "no one it's nothing" I responded "secret admirer?" He asked jokingly I brushed it off and thought this was some joke or something

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Nicola yelled from his bunk "who's it from linc" "no one it's nothing" I responded "secret admirer?" He asked jokingly I brushed it off and thought this was some joke or something. I went about my day until lunch when I got another letter saying the same thing. I decided this was enough and went to go see Bea to tell her to knock it off. I walked up to her cabin with the letter in hand she was sitting on the porch with Nick and phee playing cards. "Hey linc" Bea said like she didn't know why I was there. I held up the closed letter and she excused herself from the game before leading me into the cabin. I heard Phee and Audrey wishper as I walked in behind Bea.

"So you get the letters?" She asked. "Is this some kind of joke" I asked frustrated at the situation. "Why would it be a joke this is serious" she seemed genuine. She then went on a rant about how Luke was right and how I of all should agree with how all my siblings treat me I told her those were just jokes but she seemed determined so I went along maybe I could like spy for camp by parenting to be on Luke's side. I told her she was right and I'd join Luke's side she looked a little shocked like she was ready to continue convincing me all day but just said "ok then great you'll be getting more letters on what next soon" with that I left and she went back to playing cards. Later that night at the campfire phee was given out the letter she had left from this morning and handed me another plain envelope I opened it away from everyone and it read

"to prove you are on our side shot Chiron with an arrow the other will think you are just playing around or it was a mistake but those among us will know you are truly on our side" I tought for a second if this was to far but I tought Chiron would doge it or I'd miss on purpose but they'd still get the message. So I aimed my bow at his hand which was easy to fix if i actually hit him then let go hoping i aimed right and I would just go right next to him and hit the tree. The problem with being a child of Apollo is some of us are really good at aiming which sounds like a perfect thing I can aim for whatever I want and always hit it however this time it did not go well for me. I was so focused on not hitting Chiron that the worlds what stuck in my head were "HIT and CHIRON" and not only did it hit him it hit him right in the chest a perfect bullseye to kill someone not so much a perfect shot when ur trying to miss.

I looked over to Bea who looked shocked and had her hands over her mouth then I looked around and saw everyone was looking at me "sorry I meant to uhhh" I couldn't come up with a lie not like I could lie with Audrey starting at me he got the power of truth from dad meaning it's hard or impossible for people around him to lie. He was also probably even more pissed because it was his bow which we know we aren't supposed to use and especially not to kill Chiron. After a few seconds a few Apollo kids ran over to help him with the arrow in his heart. As they walked him away the stolls broke out laughing and Connor blurted out "You weren't actually supposed to do it dipshit"I felt a wave on embarrassment as I realized it was a prank. "Nice one linc" jasper said as he walked passed me to go help. As I walked away back to my cabin Bea caught up with me.

"What do you want" I asked annoyed and still embarrassed "firstly Nicola's bow" oh shit I'm still holding it I tought before passing it to Bea as she continued talking " and secondly it was a prank we didn't think you'd actually do it and not like that" I didn't bother saying I was aiming for his hand or anything I just kept walking to my cabin to prepare myself for the punishment not only from Chiron and Mr.D but Audrey and Jasper.

The next morning I woke up to an empty cabin which is not a good sign. Nick came in a few seconds later from the porch with Bea and told me to follow them. I got up and walked with them both to the infirmary. Once we go there people said good morning to me like nothing had happened which kinda freaked me out. But we kept walking till we saw Chiron who was up and talking to campers. He turned and before I could apologize spoke "A group of campers have informed me of what happened last night and I would just like to let you know they are being punished appropriately" he looked over to Bea and Nick who looked like they'd done something wrong. If I knew Nicola was involved from the beginning I wouldn't have been worried about being punished because Chiron or mr D would obviously go ask him about what happened and he'd of corse tell the truth.

Then they brought me to a room with a bunch of people (Travis, Connor, Phee, and us 3) and they all apologized obviously forced but still I appreciated seeing them have to do it. Then they explained the whole thing and how it was supposed to be a small prank and it snowballed into a disaster. The rest of the day was fun a few weird looks from campers which were shut down quick by one of those 5.

The night before all this on the cabin 12 porch(a/n I'm writing this like a script cause I'm lazy and it's easier then writing a lot of dialogue)

5 campers (Nicola, Phee, Bea, Travis and Connor) are sitting on the porch of cabin 12.

Phee: I have to deliver letter tomorrow anyway so I can just drop off the fake one without it being suspicious.

Travis; do you too have the fake letters done yet

Nicola: yup here (handing the letters to Connor so he can seal them in the envelopes)

Bea; you don't think he'll actually shoot Chiron right

Nicola; of corse not and trust me even if he does he'll aim for right next to him or just his hand or something easy to heal. He's annoying not dumb

Connor; we'll see why happens I guess

Phee; first he actually had to believe that Luke's trying to recruit him before we even get to that.

Bea; yeah Anyway now that's all ready it's only 10 you guys wanna play a game or something.

A/n the dialogue might be cringe but anyway. Also phee I hope you like ur mentions cause ur the best.

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